Kostadin Angelov: Even if we shut down, we won’t stop the virus


Even if we close the country, it will have no effect.. The diffuse spread of the virus can no longer be stopped. The only thing we can do is limit its spread. This was stated by the Minister of Health Kostadin Angelov in the BTV studio. Angelov is convinced that even if he imposes severe restrictions, they will not be fully enforced and will be flooded with rape reports.

It is not about writing orders, it is important that the state is stable, people are calm, the health system is provided. Kostadin Angelov organized the priorities in this order.

As a change in the measurement orders – A commercial corridor for the elderly will be created.. There is a pending order for this. Kostadin Angelov will not comply with This morning’s recommendation to the Chief Health Inspector, Angel Kunchev to close the establishments before, as well as for the students of the Baccalaureate to go to distance education. Angelov remains a supporter of local decision making at the district, city and school level.

Angel Kunchev insists on stricter measures

Angel Kunchev insists on stricter measures

I do not share the optimism of some of the governments, said the chief health inspector.

Otherwise, at this stage of the situation failure to comply with the measures is already a lack of reasonAccording to Angelov, and those who observe the measures helped: they help us, the doctors, everyone else, the whole society.

It is very important to be guided by criteria that are clear and defined, wandering around would make the situation worse.

If we talk about Croshospitalization: it does not come from doctors and hospitals, but from people’s fear., in Angelov’s words. He again urged people not to seek medical help late, not to self-medicate, not to read on the Internet, and not to take their neighbors’ medicines. We can fight the epidemic with reason, intellect and discipline.And, Angelov said, adding that where people do not want to understand the measures, the result is visible: we are exacerbating problems in hospitals.

Ivan Kostov: Even if necessary, Borisov does not dare to toughen the measures

Ivan Kostov: Even if necessary, Borisov does not dare to toughen the measures

The institutions were on the brink of helplessness to face the health crisis

When asked how and what Prime Minister Boyko Borissov is being dealt with, Angelov explained that he himself said: “than for all Bulgarian citizens, then for me“.
