Kirilov assures debtors not to succumb to threats and harassment


“Collection companies cannot enforce the law without a court and PEA or DUI, although they probably claim this. I think Debtors must know their rights in this case and not succumb to “harassment” or unwarranted threats.

This says Justice Minister Danail Kirilov, in response to a parliamentary question to protect citizens from harassment of debt collection companies, so-called “collection companies”.

Collection companies must temporarily suspend their activity, reports headquarters

Collection companies must temporarily suspend their activity, reports headquarters

In Tsarevo, employees of a collection company who entered the Roma neighborhood were arrested

According to the current law, adopted by this National Assembly on March 20 and according to art. 5 for 2, PEAs and DUIs cannot impose annexes to bank accounts of individuals and medical establishments, annexes to salaries and pensions, precautionary measures in medical devices and equipment, as well as the realization of inventories of movable and immovable property, property of physical persons, with the exception of maintenance obligations, damages for not allowed damages and accounts receivable for labor remunerations, clarifies the Minister of Justice.

In accordance with the Health Law presented to the National Assembly, adopted by the Council of Ministers on 05.04.2020, This protection measure for debtors will continue in force if it receives support from parliamentarians until July 13, 2020. The Prime Minister explicitly insisted that this restrictive regime be introduced in favor of debtors, but not in favor of the creditors of the individual claims, Kirilov adds.
