Karakachanov is developing a plan to donate plasma from soldiers who defeated Covid-19


Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Krassimir Karakachanov told reporters that he was developing a plan to organize a campaign for people in the military who had contracted the coronavirus to donate blood plasma to those in need. He made such an appeal to the entire Bulgarian society.

I am thinking of signing a similar order on Monday, including other measures to assist military medical facilities.Karakachanov said.

The Minister announced that two of the generals infected with COVID-19 have already been discharged from the Military Medical Academy. There are not many military personnel in the hospital, a dozen people and seven civilians, he added.

We have not considered the option of total quarantine, there is a national operational headquarters that makes those decisions, said Karakachanov. Private hospitals need to be much more actively involved in fighting the coronavirus and, in my opinion, it will depend on how funds are distributed through the Health Insurance Fund in the future, believes the deputy prime minister.

Regarding the situation in parliament, Karakachanov commented that when there is a test for the nation, the Bulgarians must be united. This behavior, which I see in some games, is irresponsible, he said.

According to the Minister of Defense, in a situation where every decision of the highest body, parliament, is important, to allocate funds, take action, vote on any unrelated issue, including the budget, the government cannot be sabotaged. .

During the war, and we are at war with the pandemic, there can be no blows to the back. But some people did not deviate from Lenin’s old principle that the defeat of the state itself was a victory for the party.“Karakachanov commented.

He did not agree that next year’s budget is pre-electoral.

We don’t want to spend extra money to buy new equipment, weapons or modernize the army, Karakachanov said. On the contrary, we strictly adhere to this plan, which was voted, to reach 2 percent of GDP and we do not want a penny more, added the minister. He pointed out that both this year and the next with the funds it will be possible to continue with the modernization and maintenance of equipment in the Bulgarian Army and increase salaries.

“In fact, this is the fourth year in a row that military salaries have increased by 10 percent, and if you take the four years together, the cumulative effect is about 48 percent. I am pleased that this part of my ambition Minister of Defense, we have implemented it ”, said the Minister of Defense.
