Kantardzhiev: There will be no closure, the measures depend on each regional headquarters


Prof. Todor Kantardjiev STAFF: bTV

There will be no city closures. The district headquarters will take stricter action due to coronavirus based on local distribution. This told BTV Prof. Todor Kantardzhiev, Director of the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases. He commented on the growing number of people infected in the last week.

The prevalence of COVID-19 by districts is different: the highest percentage of infected is found in the districts of Blagoevgrad and Targovishte.

“Masks and distance are serious enough measures. With them, the airborne infection, which according to research is 5 times more dangerous than the flu, can be balanced. But three groups of people must be strictly protected: the elderly, with chronic diseases “. and those with immunodeficiency. It’s important that there isn’t a boom in nursing homes and hospitals, “Kantardzhiev explained.

Kantardzhiev: There will be no closure, the measures depend on each regional headquarters

The medical union should propose an algorithm for when GPs issue referrals for COVID testing, the professor said. The Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, was waiting for the proposals. “I don’t know exactly what the criteria are. In my opinion, it is important not to look at the general condition, temperature, cough, but also information about people’s contacts: patients ate and drank with more people and sang by ear “explained Professor Kantardzhiev.

“The virus is not so dangerous. We all suspect conspiracies, I suspect a conspiracy to maintain the thesis that there are no viruses. This virus has lived on bats. They have a protection system against infections, these viruses do not kill them and are transmitted from generation to generation in generation. “But when it is transmitted between people, it causes problems. COVID-19 is 5 times harder than the flu, but due to the measures it is much less common, “he added.

“The measures depend on each regional headquarters. You see the analysis by district, we give advice according to it. At the suggestion of associate professor Kunchev, the minister issues something about whether to do it or not. For now, the attitude is to do these things by districts. Did you see that there is nothing scary in the schools, “he said.

“I went to the theater, I have not been in the last months. A theater without an audience is bad, there must be an audience, but please be masks. Ventilation is very important. There are 2 important things left: masks and distance. All are for masks except some who don’t understand, “he said.
