K-19 leads to two pages of scary effects!


Doctors in the United States have found that approximately 24% of people who have had the most severe forms of coronavirus infection develop episodes of delirium (confusion and fever) and mental disorders.

In some patients, these symptoms persist for several months after recovery, the researchers wrote in a paper published by the electronic scientific library medRxiv, reports “Focus.”

“Among coronavirus infected patients admitted to intensive care, delirium is one of the most common symptoms. Our observations show that about 24% of them develop it after recovery. And in some cases, delirium even appears two months after discharge from hospitals, “the researchers wrote.

Due to the fact that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus enters the body, a person may lose their sense of smell or begin to recognize the taste of food worse. Initial observations from patients in Europe show that almost all COVID-19 patients have had similar problems.

Scientists have recently discovered the possible cause of this phenomenon. They discovered that the virus used olfactory receptors in the human nasal mucosa as a kind of “portal” to penetrate the brain and spread through the nervous system. Recently, British scientists revealed that due to COVID-19 patients can reduce their mental abilities. This is especially true of your ability to recognize the meaning of words and sentences.

Coronavirus fever

American doctors, led by Philip Vlissides, associate professor at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (USA), have discovered that COVID-19 may have another long-term effect that affects brain function. During their research, they looked at the health of 150 patients with very severe forms of coronavirus infection.

The researchers found that the majority of these patients, about 70%, suffered several bouts of delirium while in intensive care, a mental disorder in which patients lose consciousness, attention, perception and thinking.

Doctors cannot improve or stabilize the condition of a third of them until they recover. In many patients, doctors record not only delirium, but also disorders of mental acuity and memory.

Additional observations show that many of these symptoms persist even after the virus has cleared from the patient’s body. About 23% of them suffered from dementia and other serious mental disabilities, and 24% had recurrent episodes of delirium.

Scientists suggest that these problems are due to the fact that the coronavirus infection alters the functioning of the brain vessels. As a result, there are serious disturbances in the work of the brain, including dementia and delirium.

A more detailed study of this phenomenon, according to scientists, will help to understand how to protect the brains of the most vulnerable populations from the long-term consequences of coronavirus infection.
