Israel in a third full quarantine in an attempt to control the pandemic


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu PHOTO: Reuters

The third full quarantine since the beginning of the pandemic has been in effect in Israel since 5 p.m. tonight, TASS reported.

Until January 9, Israelis are not allowed to visit or travel more than 1 km from their home, except to go for vaccinations, receive medical or social assistance, go to court, take a short walk, work or in school, at a wedding or funeral, at a circumcision ceremony, BTA reported.

All points of sale are closed except those that sell basic necessities. Restaurants can only offer food with supplies. The country’s Ministry of Health has published a list of restrictions. The fines for the infringement are 500 shekels (127 euros) and for collecting more than the allowed number of people, 1000 shekels.

Yesterday the government decided to suspend schooling for students in grades 5-10, but the Knesset (parliament) rejected the measure and the cabinet now has 48 hours to appeal, Israeli Radio Cannes reported. The kindergartens continue to function, the students in grades 1-4 and 11-12 will not interrupt their classes.

The Ministry of Health announced today about 2,084 new cases of coronavirus, raising the total number of infected to 400,099. The death toll for the day is 19 and with them the death toll so far reaches a total of 3322. 560 treated with Kovid-19, 604 of them are in serious condition and 133 need mechanical respiration.

In announcing the new austerity measures on Thursday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed hope that last week’s holiday and the upcoming quarantine will allow the country to overcome the coronavirus. The vaccination campaign in Israel began on December 20 and, to date, the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine has been administered to 270,000 people. Netanyahu himself was vaccinated on December 19 at a Tel Aviv hospital.
