Instead of children for everyone, more money for the police and doctors


Aid for a child goes up by 10 BGN

Maintain the income criteria to receive child benefits next year. This is what the GERB deputies propose with changes in the budget. The reason is that this way there will be additional money for the salaries of policemen, doctors and nurses.

It is proposed that people with an income of BGN 510 per family member receive the full number of children. Currently, the threshold is BGN 410. 80% of children will receive income if the income is BGN 650, and not 510, as now.

The allowances are also increased – from BGN 40 to BGN 50 for one child, from BGN 90 to BGN 110 for two, from BGN 135 to BGN 165 for three, and for four children – from BGN 145 to BGN 185. For each subsequent child, the amount increases by BGN 20

Initially, the Minister of Social Affairs, Denitsa Sacheva, proposed that all parents, regardless of their income, receive child benefits. The government is now encouraging the return of the income criterion with public discontent that the measure is not focused on lower-income families, for whom these allocations would be more useful. Thus, the Treasury will save around BGN 204.8 million, which will be allocated to subsidies for doctors and employees of the Ministry of the Interior.

The supplement of BGN 600 per month for hospital doctors during the period of the epidemic emergency situation will remain constant next year. For nurses, the additional remuneration will be 360 ​​BGN, and for nurses there is an additional allowance of 120 BGN. For this, another 237 million BGN will be allocated to the health fund budget for next year.

In addition to the salaries of the Ministry of the Interior employees, an additional 77.5 million BGN is provided. BGN 13.3 million is allocated for firefighters and just over BGN 5 million is allocated for the development of the Home Office system.
