Infected With Doctor Covid: Armageddon Continues, Where Is Associate Professor Mangarov?


“Armageddon continues … Big wave, the hospital is full, the staff is at the end of their strength … things are more than serious.” This was written on his Facebook account by Shumen’s general practitioner, Dr. Milen Cholakov, who has been treated in hospital for ten days after being diagnosed with a coronavirus.

Most likely, the doctor will catch it from his patient. Since the beginning of the epidemic, Dr. Cholakov has volunteered at Shumen Hospital and in the Emergency Department.

We publish the emotional post of the 58-year-old doctor without editorial intervention:

“10 days from treatment in MHAT-Shumen…. after 3-4 days of improvement, worsening again, fever, chest pain, shortness of breath, lack of oxygen … from Ryo-severe bilateral Kovid pneumonia…. change of therapy, Remdesivir…. looking for convalescent plasma …..

They say this is how the disease goes …

Don’t you think yet …

Where is Assoc Mangarov Y Shumenits ski equivalent … the great local philosopher GP … as many know … let’s check ….

Follow the recommendations of the National Operational Headquarters, don’t be fooled!

Take care of yourself and others … “

Dr. Milen Cholakov was born on March 26, 1962. He graduated from the Varna Medical University. A specialist in pediatrics, pediatric cardiology and rheumatology, he also graduated in health management. Family doctor with long experience in Shumen. President of the local Family Physicians Association since 2006. His wife, Dr. Tereza Cholakova, is a specialist in epidemiology and infectious diseases.
