IN TODAY’S PARTIES: Stories of miracles from Bosque de la Cruz (VIDEO + PHOTOS)


The church celebrates the Day of the Cross. This year, too, the believers gathered for the night near the Holy Trinity Monastery in Krastova Gora. Many of them shared personal stories of miracles that occurred after visiting the holy place.


Some of those present did not sleep to feel the energy of the place. The night of September 14 is believed to be the strongest. A part of the Holy Cross is kept in the Krastova Gora complex.

Among the believers is Maria Velikova, who was diagnosed with cancer. She claims that thanks to the place of healing she has recovered. “Every year I come to get energy. I’m very well here and I’ve been alive and well for 16 years ”, she explained.

“I came here for the first time in 2003 when I was diagnosed. Exactly on September 13, I decided to go up to light a candle. It was bad weather, there was fog and it was raining. When the service started, we only heard the singing, nothing was seen. moment, some force illuminated the whole church and everything shone. As there was fog, the moon appeared, “added Velikova.

It is the day of the cross! (VIDEO + PHOTOS)

“I believe in miracles and I hope. We have been here for seven years and we have been better since we arrived,” explained a relative of sick children.

The faithful flock to the monastery “St. Trinidad” to pray for healing. On Sunday evening, Metropolitan Nikolay of Plovdiv celebrated a solemn holy liturgy, which lasted until 2 o’clock after midnight.

“Today is a great Christian feast. The grace of this place is due to a piece of the cross of Christ, which is buried in this area,” said Father Seraphim.

He specified that due to the increase in the flow of pilgrims, a monastery building will be built to spend the night. It will have a capacity of 50 places to attend to the most seriously ill. Funds have been allocated to build the road.

“We are here because of the faith that sustains us. 5 years ago I had a health problem. If you believe, you can heal,” shared a woman.

“We were very bad. However, when there is faith in God, everything is fine. We come here every year and we are alive and well. Miracles happen in this place. I believed in the holy place,” added a layman.

The people who welcomed the open-air festival described it as fantastic on the night of the festival.

Reporter: Ilian Velkov

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