In the section – with mask, hand disinfection before voting for machine


Here are the health measures that voters should follow while exercising their right to vote:

1. Make sure to wear a mask to cover your nose and mouth, keep a distance of 1.5m, and perform hand hygiene. Hand sanitizer will be provided at the entrance of each sectional building. Sanitize your hands when entering. During your stay in the building, avoid touching surfaces as much as possible.

2. In the building where your section is located, observe the marked waiting places in line, as well as the separate aisles for one-way traffic.

3. When the section committee verifies your identity, show yourself your identification card and place it on the table in front of the members.

4. To be identified, you may be instructed to remove the protective mask briefly, keeping a distance of at least 1.5 m from the members of the sectional electoral commission. Put the mask back on after you are identified

5. Avoid physical contact with section committee members while taking the ballot, handing it in, and signing the electoral roll.

6. The pens to be used by the voters will be arranged so that you can pick up a pen yourself, without having direct contact with a section member, but under their supervision and guidance. After use, each pen used is disinfected.

7. The voting booth may have an entrance facing a wall. The goal is to prevent voters from touching the curtain on your entrance

8. When voting with a machine, you must first sanitize your hands. Use the disinfectant placed next to each machine.

9. After you have voted, leave the building as soon as possible so that not too many people gather in one place.

In addition, polling stations will air regularly or for 5 to 10 minutes every hour. If the building in which the section is located does not allow the windows to be opened, then the air conditioning and ventilation systems must be configured in such a way as to ensure the entry of outside air into the rooms.

At the entrance the temperature of the members of the section commissions will be controlled. People with fever – more than 37 degrees, or with manifestations of acute respiratory diseases – cough, runny nose, shortness of breath and more. They will not be admitted to the voting table. Observers, candidates, advocates, authorized representatives, the media, and others participating in elections with manifestations of acute respiratory illnesses or fever are not allowed on Election Day.

If, during the stay at the electoral college, any of the persons mentioned above presents symptoms of acute respiratory illness or vomiting, diarrhea, headache, etc., the president of the section commission will be notified. It is isolated in a given room, avoiding contact with other people until the arrival of a team from the Emergency Medical Aid Center or is sent home, if possible with its own transport. The use of public transport is not recommended. The contact surfaces and objects with which the person has had contact are disinfected.
