Important to all parents whose children go to school, kindergarten, or daycare on January 4!



On the first business day of the new year, according to Order No. RD-01-718 / 12.18.2020 of the Ministry of Health, visits to kindergartens and nurseries and current classes for students from first to fourth grade are resumed. Students from fifth to twelfth grade continue to study at a distance until the next order from the competent authorities. This was announced by the “Education” department of the Plovdiv municipality.

Plovdiv nursery schools and institutions are prepared to start the educational process in accordance with all measures against the epidemic, and classes will be taught in accordance with the Guidelines prepared by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Health for the system of preschool and school education during school. 2020-2021 under the conditions of COVID-19.

In order to protect the health of children and avoid the accumulation of parents and children in front of general practitioners’ offices, parents who have decided that their child will resume the visit, instead of a medical note for lack of contact with contagious patient, they may state that they know that the child has been in contact with a contagious patient and shows no signs of a contagious disease in the last 14 days. For children resuming their visits to kindergartens and nurseries, in the absence of more than 2 months, a single negative result for intestinal parasites is provided.

In a month in the municipality of Plovdiv the active surfaces of the buildings of the 52 municipal kindergartens (entrance doors and hallways, handrails on stairs and seats, common areas and offices) were disinfected through a new German nanotechnology that provides Durable antimicrobial protection for more than one year against all viruses and bacteria, including COVID-19. Disinfection with this technology is safe and meets the requirements of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry.

All teams in schools, kindergartens and nurseries are instructed to follow the protocols in case of illness of a child or a member of the team. The buildings are sanitized and ready for the first day of school. The children’s town of Breza, which was closed in December due to a water supply accident, opens its doors in normal mode.
