Important! The deputies canceled K-19’s mandatory hospital treatment and decided …


Patients with Kovid-19 will no longer have to be treated in the hospital. This was decided by the deputies with amendments to the Health Law, approved in first reading.

Under current legislation, patients and carriers of cholera, plague, smallpox, yellow fever, viral hemorrhagic fevers, diphtheria, typhoid fever, poliomyelitis, brucellosis, anthrax, malaria, severe acute respiratory syndrome 19 are subject to mandatory isolation and hospital treatment. and tuberculosis bacillus.

However, the amendment abolishes the obligation of hospital treatment, reports Darik.

The project also proposes that people who need to be quarantined or isolated be notified by phone, SMS or by sending an email from RHI.

Other texts allow the Minister of Health to impose a ban on the export of medicines to meet the needs of the population when necessary.

During the debates, the opposition doubted that the amendments would abdicate the treatment of people with COVID-19.

“Given the enormous pressure on the health system, the overcrowded hospitals and wards and the difficulties of admission, mainly due to the lack of doctors, we will leave the public in doubt that in this way the state will abdicate the responsibility for the hospital treatment of patients. COVID patients “.

In practice, the refusal to treat infectious diseases will be legalized, “criticized MRF’s Dzhevdet Chakarov.

Georgi Yordanov from the BSP commented that common COVID infections must be separated and a decision must be made to deal with the specific pandemic.

For her part, Daniela Daritkova of GERB has repeatedly assured that any patient who needs hospital treatment can trust such and defined the accusations that the state abdicates as speculation.

He called for amendments to be made between the first and second reading to clarify the texts on which infectious diseases require both mandatory isolation and hospital treatment.

“The proposed changes to the Health Law are not intended to relieve the state of responsibility for the health of people with COVID who need hospital treatment,” he emphasized.

Daritkova also emphasizes that only about 20% of coronavirus patients need hospital treatment.
