I voted to stop the crazy restrictive measures that cause serious psychological damage



Adjunct Professor Atanas Mangarov exercised his right to vote at NPMG polling station 44 “Acad. L. Chakalov” at 52 Bigla Street in the Lozenets district, Sofia.

“I voted by machine. It’s fast. I voted to go back to normal life and fix our country. Election during a pandemic is accompanied by many fears, which people must overcome if they want to change their lives and, most importantly, to return to their normal way of life, and there are many things in our country that need to be changed.

Obviously, getting back to normal is not enough. There are many things to change. First of all, we must stop these crazy restrictive measures, which have no special effect and cause very serious financial, mental and other damage, “said Adjunct Professor Mangarov.

“Secondly, what I see from my point of view is that our health system needs serious changes, because in the conditions of such a crisis it turned out that it works inefficiently,” added Atanas Mangarov.

Borissov, Valeri Simeonov, Karakachanov, Ahmed Dogan and several other politicians and public figures have been voting since morning.
