How to overwinter flowers in pots


In winter, the geranium is wrapped in newspapers and allowed to cool.

Fall brought with it not only more rain, but lower temperatures as well, so take home the potted flowers from your balcony or patio. For most of them, the next few months will be a period of rest after the intense spring and summer blooms.

Before you find a place for them in your home, you need to clean them well. This is done by removing its fallen leaves, as well as its diseased or withered twigs. Last but not least, inspect them carefully for pests and insects. If you notice traces of them, spray them with a suitable detergent.

Geranium and sakazcheto require a bit of special care. They hibernate to more easily survive the cold months.

Geranium is generally found in almost every home because it is not whimsical at all. Store the pot in a cool, dark place. In this way you will completely stop its development. Your only concern will be watering. As you will hardly need water, it is done once every 2-3 weeks. Be careful not to overdo it, as the roots can rot.

There is also the option of leaving the geranium in the light, near a window. In this case, the flower’s holiday will not be complete and you will have to commit to taking more care of it.

If you decide to save yourself this unnecessary effort, take the geranium out of its pot. Carefully clean the roots from the soil and tie them in bunches. Hang them on a wire with the roots up. The room is important in this case. It must be cool and without access to almost any light, so that it does not trigger its development.

Another option is to use newspapers. After plucking the geranium, wrap its roots in them. The paper will absorb the remaining moisture. Place the plant in a box that keeps out of sunlight. Once a month it should be rearranged and put a few drops of water on the paper so that it does not die.

Either way you choose, you can end flower dormancy when the day starts to rise and temperatures rise, that is. towards the middle of spring.

If you live in a small apartment and do not have space, it is possible to take only one geranium cutting. It should be about 10 cm long and have at least 4-5 leaves. If you notice a flower bud, remove it. The rest of the plant can be removed directly.

Place the cutting in a container with a little water, which should not be near a heater. You need cooler air. In a month at the most, it will have started to take root.

However, you have a few more chores until spring, when you can plant it in the ground. Observe only the growth of the cutting. If it grows too large, cut off the top or divide it in half.

Mugwort winters in the same way as geranium. The only difference is that it grows a little slower.

Why the flower is an accessory for every home

Geranium is suitable for any home because it brings many positive aspects. Perhaps the biggest is that it is one of the plants that best purifies the air of pollution.

Also, in the past, people believed that it protects against negative energy, such as incense smoke. So they sprayed the walls of their houses with water in which they had previously soaked geranium flowers. Every summer they put pots of the beautiful plant around the front door.

Another tradition is to dry its flowers and use it as a talisman. Pink is believed to attract love, white helps with pregnancy problems, and red brings health
