How to cook a delicious but healthy holiday menu


Turkey instead of red meat, fresh vegetables at every meal

During these holidays and for the New Year, more than ever, people have an appetite for hearty and nutritious food, accompanied by a strong amount of alcohol. Thus, they compensate for the lack of large celebrations, meetings with friends and fun in restaurants.

The desire for tasty but fatty, acidic and salty dishes, cakes, chocolate, pastries is intensifying. But

the risk increases

many to fall

in the hospital not because


and from overeating, heavy drinking, poisoning, nausea, colic, allergies, migraines.

These are the visible manifestations of processes at the cellular level – the result of harmful foods, writes the “Daily Mail.” Chronic inflammation occurs, which alters the body’s natural defenses and causes the white blood cells that usually protect us to attack healthy tissues and organs such as the liver and lungs, the heart, and the pancreas.

There are a number of dangerous diseases: cancer, dementia, arthritis, stroke, heart attack, depression. Studies show that problems can appear not after years, but only after a few days of abundant filling with unhealthy foods, especially processed, fatty, salty and semi-finished products.

This year, more than ever, the Christmas table menu must be carefully considered so as not to further harm health. Doctors and master chefs assure that this can be done without suffering the pleasure of the palate.

For New Year’s lunch, choose a turkey.

It’s turkey meat

white, not greasy,

carries less risk



than red and has fewer calories than most other meats. It is good to reduce the amount of meat; now you will not feed an entire company. For example, serve only turkey breasts or choose less feathery: chicken, pheasant, guinea fowl.

The healthiest option is to serve a vegan roast as a substitute: a mixture of chopped cashews, peanuts, whole grain brownies, oatmeal, sun-dried tomatoes, onions and mushrooms, olive oil and spices.

With dried fruits you can also substitute white breadcrumbs in the filling of the main dish. Chestnuts and almonds are a very tasty filling. Add dried fruit for vitamins and moisture absorption (apricots and blueberries), season with herbs.

If you are making a muffin, choose turkey or chicken, a

put the filling

mushrooms and blueberries, which has

anti-inflammatory properties

The garnish should be cooked vegetables – Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower – they are rich in antioxidants and fiber, have anti-inflammatory effects and fight free radicals.

Baked Veggies – Parsnips, sprouts, are a delicious and healthy addition to cold cuts like ham and turkey left over from yesterday. A good idea is roasted tomatoes with scrambled eggs for breakfast.

Serve vegetables with every meal or at least two of them every day.

There is a way


hungry for


Instead of uncontrollably gorging on chocolate on the couch in front of the TV, put some quality sweets on the table after lunch or dinner; They will signal the end of the meal and satisfy your craving for sweets.

It’s been scientifically proven that the more food you serve, the more you’ll splash to the brim. Cut down the cheese tray to just two types. Take the cheese out of the refrigerator 30 minutes before serving to release its aroma, and use a special cutter to cut it fine; Not only is it tastier, but the saturated fat that causes inflammation is less.

Consume with charcoal biscuits or whole grains, decorate with figs, grapes, apple slices and pear.

The day after

the festive party

switch to soup

Make it with veggies (maybe leftovers from the garnish), add roasted seeds for antioxidants and fiber. For carnivores, serve chicken broth with chunks of meat for protein as it builds muscle and strengthens the immune system. You can add beans, lentils, chickpeas. With the addition of yogurt, the soup becomes creamy and rich in vitamin D, calcium, fatty acids, and good bacteria.

File for divorce

– hummus, guacamole,

baba ganush

with tahini and roasted aubergine. Arrange with fresh vegetable sticks: carrots, radishes, celery, bell peppers, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes.

Diversify your diet with a plate of smoked trout or mackerel for omega-3s. In this way you will have all the necessary vitamins, minerals, useful fats, proteins.

On vacation you cannot do without alcohol, but excessive drinking inflames the intestines and weakens the immune system.

Have a glass or two of wine

and take it too

so much water

after each of them. Soft drinks abound, including wine and beer. After them you will wake up with a clear head.

Kupeshki nuts are salty and harmful to the blood and heart. Make them at home, season them with turmeric and hot red pepper, and bake them in the oven at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Turmeric is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties, it protects against cancer. Pepper also heals inflammation.

A good appetizer is roasted Brussels sprouts with a little coconut oil and a pinch of sea salt. Or rubbed with olive oil, a little sea salt, and hot red pepper cabbage leaves, baked for 30 minutes at 110 degrees, you get tasty and healthy chips.

Not a good idea if

cakes are served

with meat filling,

Scottish eggs (egg-filled beef dumplings) and other fried foods. If you still can’t do without burgers, use buttered crusts instead of margarine and thin the filling with grated carrots and mushrooms. Place on lettuce leaves.

Traditional Christmas desserts (stolen, puddings, gingerbread figurines) are very high in calories. Reduce the sugar in them and don’t sprinkle them on top – the sweet flavor is given by the nut filling.
