How does the COVID-19 vaccination continue and are there signs of side effects? – Medicines


We already have more than 2,700 people who have received the first dose of the vaccine. Today there are more than 1000 people vaccinated, as the executive director of the Medicines Agency Bogdan Kirilov said in the BNT “From the day” program.

On December 21, the European Commission authorized the first vaccine, then we sent the product information to all medical professionals so they would feel prepared for the current campaign. At the moment there is no information on difficulties on the part of the directors of regional health inspections and hospitals. We have only reported one side effect: redness in the area of ​​the vaccine, Kirilov said.

Periodic weekly deliveries of the Pfizer / Biontech vaccine will follow soon. In the first week of January we expect the next delivery, he explained.

The European Medicines Agency is still conducting preliminary trials of the Astra Zeneca / Oxford vaccine. The next vaccine, on which a positive opinion is expected, is that of “Modern”. The ruling is expected on January 6. If it is positive, we will have a second approved vaccine. When it will arrive in Europe depends on the manufacturer, Bogdan Kirilov said.

He advises that before getting vaccinated, we should consult a doctor or master pharmacist or familiarize ourselves with the product information about the vaccine.

Borisov and Angelov met the day after the vaccination.

Vaccines are provided for the entire population; anyone who wants to be vaccinated will have this opportunity and it will be free, said the head of the Medicines Agency.

He noted that in each Regional Health Inspection there are freezers for the vaccine, and once defrosted, it can be stored in a refrigerator for up to five days.

There are no state restrictions on people who do not want to get vaccinated. Work is underway to prepare a document with information on vaccination after the second dose, Bogdan Kirilov said.
