Health experts have revealed what will happen with a new blockage – Diseases


A young man in Burgas died after a long hiatus between various hospitals. The patient was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia, but after his death he was diagnosed with coronavirus. This is another case in the country. Just a few days ago, two people died in Plovdiv after waiting for hours in front of a hospital.

“The main problem is in the organization of hospitals. The system is good, but we do not implement it. There is the decentralization of the management of medical establishments,” he said in the morning block of BNT Assoc. Prof. Dr. Spas Spaskov.

A young man died after hours wandering around hospitals in Burgas

“Condolences to the relatives of the deceased in Burgas. Unfortunately, this will not be the last case of its kind. The system is not patient-friendly,” said Dr. Stanimir Hasardjiev, president of the National Patient Organization.

“We still do not have a common scheme of which patients, with what symptoms, should be admitted to the hospital,” he added.

“Doctors feared that patients would endanger their health and that patients would lose pre-hospital care,” commented adjunct professor Dr. Spaskov.

“Health care is not just a national priority, pan-European measures are needed. Experts must decide the criteria by which patients are cared for. Control is not lost. We have a chance to salvage what we can from our care system medical, “said Dr. Hasardjiev.

Health experts: We are late with the measurements. It is inevitable that we reach a confinement

“12% of the beds in the country are occupied by patients with coronavirus. In” Pirogov “35% of the beds are for these patients”, revealed Asoc. Prof. Dr. Spas Spaskov.

“I don’t think the closure will lead to significant results,” he said.

“The shutdown will have a temporary effect, but then there will be a boom in people being infected again,” said Dr. Stanimir Hasardjiev.
