Health expert with an extremely important clarification for all who will be vaccinated – Medications


It is assumed that the new mutated virus will also be affected by vaccines because it uses a stable configuration of genes that can trigger the production of antibodies and thus protect the human body, but this is a further evaluation process. But in any case, further research will be needed to say for sure whether the vaccines will work against the mutated strain. The total number of COVID-19 mutations exceeds 13,000 and understands that we cannot produce 13,000 vaccines. This was commented on the air of the “Face to Face” program on bTV by the Bulgarian representative in the European Medicines Agency Prof. Ilko Getov in relation to vaccines and the new strain of COVID-19, which is found in the UK .

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Professor Getov recalled that the efficacy of the Pfizer / Biontech vaccine is 95% and that the clinical trials lasted six months.

The human genome is in DNA, not RNA. The information RNA method is used here to create certain antigens to prevent the virus from entering the human cell. If someone thinks that their hair will fall out or that women will become bearded, this will not happen. Our uniqueness lies in double DNA, he explained about fears that vaccines could change our human genome.

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“The vaccine (the one from Pfizer) should be administered to people over 16 years of age. People who are allergic to food, drugs or who have had at least one acute allergic episode in their life should not be immunized, as well as people with diseases autoimmune, “Professor Getov said, adding that the vaccine is safe for pregnant women.

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The vaccine has not been studied in breastfeeding women. It is best for each patient to consult their doctor and the doctor who has read all the information on the product, to recommend or not recommend the use of the vaccine, added the expert.

He was adamant that the manufacturer was not exempt from liability in the event of serious side effects and noted that European citizens were fully protected by current EU legislation.

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The Bulgarian representative at the European Medicines Agency emphasized that the vaccine can be stored for up to six months at a temperature of -80 degrees, and in a common refrigerator – for two to five days.

Finally, Professor Getov pointed out that anyone who gets vaccinated should stay with their GP for at least 15 minutes in case of severe, life-threatening allergic reactions.

“Medical personnel must be very familiar with the product information on the vaccine,” said Professor Ilko Getov.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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