Gypsies turned a dangerous K-19 scam with the health of all patients!


The black blood market in our country is not new, each of you must have been greeted by Roma in front of hospitals and transfusion centers with an offer. However, it received a new boost due to COVID-19.

Every day, a group of men stands 30 to 40 meters from the entrance of one of the big hospitals in Sofia, where there are many infected people. And consequently problems. Reporter in Maritsa decides to go disguised as a relative of a patient with coronavirus.

The men, two of whom, apparently “lieutenants” from the brigade, spoke to him immediately.

“Dude, blood, do you need anything?”

– Well … what do you offer?

“Everything you are looking for?”

– Blood plasma. Because of the coronavirus. You have?

– We have it all.

“How much?”

– 1000 cams.

– 1000 BGN for a donor?

– For one (one of the torturers thinks lightly).

“Thanks, we’ll see.”

The group dismisses the man with glances and the Tatar’s phone rings. He speaks a language, not exactly Romany, but a mixture. The group does not have much work, as people rarely go on weekends. But it is there every day, from early in the morning. Obviously there is a reason.

