Gym blocked by Preslava – ᐉ Curious • news about lifestyle, diet, health and fashion


Preslava is undoubtedly among the popular divas, whose behavior in a pandemic situation can serve as an example. The vocal beauty was the first in the industry to announce that it would suspend its performances in nightclubs and concert halls, even before the first wave of COVID-19 grew, writes To this day, he treats the situation responsibly and fears that he will endanger both his own health and that of his loved ones.

The singer is also known for her strict training regimen, which encourages her to return to the gym. However, he managed to secure a two-hour training session in private to ensure he had no chance of getting infected.

Even during the first wave, shortly after Galena went through the horror of the coronavirus, Preslava was rumored to be infected, but this information was not confirmed. Fortunately, her fear did not affect her desire to train and the singer continues to stay in top shape. Presi is said to have closed the gym just for her, which doesn’t surprise us at all, as she’s among the most beloved VIPs.
