Germany Extends Quarantine Measures? – EU


Germany is likely to extend quarantine measures after January 10 to stop the spread of the coronavirus, Reuters reported, citing statements by politicians.

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Coronavirus transmission rates remain high, placing a heavy burden on hospitals and healthcare professionals. Chancellor Angela Merkel is expectedAngela MerkelAngela Merkel – German politician, Chancellor of Germany. He was born on July 17, 1954 in Hamburg. The family is and regional leaders will agree to extend Tuesday’s meeting. It is not yet known how long the restrictions will extend.

“The numbers are still too high, so we will have to extend the restrictions,” Health Minister Jens Spahn said last night in an interview with RTL. It is necessary to permanently reduce the rate of transmission of the disease, he stressed, adding that “it is better than weakening measures too soon and then, perhaps only after a few weeks, facing new and difficult issues. .

Germany has imposed stricter restrictions before Christmas, including closing restaurants and most stores. However, the number of infected continued to rise and some days the death toll exceeded 1,000, according to Reuters.

The infection rate per week reaches 140 per 100,000 people, well above the level of 50 per 100,000, which politicians have accepted as safe to ease restrictions.

Is the new strain of coronavirus already in Romania?

Given the spread of the most contagious new version of the coronavirus, some politicians are calling for restrictions to be lifted only after that number reaches 25 per 100,000.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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