From Friday, 6th to 12th grade students in Sofia will study online


The mayor of Sofia Yordanka Fandakova PHOTO: Archive

Starting Friday, Sofia’s 6th-12th grade students will study online until November 27th inclusive. For now, fifth grade students will continue to attend school. This was decided by the operational headquarters of Sofia, headed by the mayor of the capital, Yordanka Fandakova.

School principals are advised to move to distance education as the number of patients increases.

Currently, 49 metropolitan schools have switched to online training. There are 6,265 sick and quarantined children and students, and 780 teachers and educators.

From Friday, 6th to 12th grade students in Sofia will study online

“Yesterday we had a meeting of the medical council, according to the doctors, each group creates an additional risk in this situation. Also, according to them, there is now a widespread spread of healthy infections. Based on this, I will propose to the staff to extend the online education of high school students. stage with another 2 weeks, after which the gradual return to class of students will begin, especially 8th and 12th grade. Of course, this depends on the development of the situation. We will discuss today and the possible transition to online learning and students from 5 to 7 “My class, because the main problem at the moment is the health of the teachers and the risks for them. Many teachers write to me who are unanimous that education should be online, and parents who are divided on the subject also write to me, “he said. -at the beginning Fandakova.

From Friday, 6th to 12th grade students in Sofia will study online

According to her, at this stage it is not necessary to discuss a different form of education for younger students and kindergartens. Currently, each director has the opportunity to attend online training for more than 20% of those absent.

From Friday, 6th to 12th grade students in Sofia will study online

There is no requirement for children admitted to daycare to begin attending within 60 days after the start of the school year, as is the same requirement for older children: 30 days for admission to daycare. The SOC Committee on Culture and Education also decided to officially apologize for the absence of children in nurseries and kindergartens for the time that Sofia is in the red or orange zone in terms of the number of patients.

“The indicators of the number of patients in nurseries and kindergartens are better than in schools due to the medical examination, which is done at the entrance every morning and due to the reduced attendance. During the state of emergency, attendance was 30%, in September – 50%, now it is falling again. In this dynamic situation, we must give the opportunity to parents who want to leave their children at home, and these absences to apologize ex officio ”, said the Deputy Mayor for Culture and Education, Prof. Todor Chobanov.

Otherwise, the headquarters extended the validity of the following measures in Sofia for another two weeks: the clubs will remain closed and the restaurants will operate until 11:30 p.m. The green corridor for people over 65 remains in force, who can buy from 8 am. until 10 a.m., a ban on unaccompanied minors from visiting shopping malls, online training for students, wearing masks, and recommending employers to switch employees to remote jobs or computers so that there are not many people in the offices.

Since Wednesday, the first three covid zones in polyclinics have been operating in Sofia: at the 11th DCC in Vazrazhdane, the 12th in Lyulin and the 17th in Oborishte.

“At the end of the week, a total of 7 offices of this type will be opened, and next week at least 3 more will join. In practice, they are half of the polyclinics in Sofia. The aim is to reduce pressure from patients to hospitals, to help people and individuals. To expedite diagnosis, patients referred by GPs will be examined in covid areas and a free antigen test will be performed. If there are asymptomatic and non-referred individuals by a GP, they will have to pay for the test. Therefore, give preference to people with symptoms. The working hours of the covid zones will be uploaded to the website of each DCC. We have provided tests that will last until the end of week until we receive those from the state, “he said. Fandakova.

As of November 12, the covid zones will operate at the 8th DCC in “Nadezhda”, the 20th DCC in “Krasno Selo” and the 22nd DCC in “Slatina”, and from November 13 to the 18th DCC in “Poduyane”.

Today, 1,318 people have recently been infected in Sofia, 1,367 are in hospital, 79 more than yesterday and 139 patients are being treated in intensive care units.

“I want to thank the people of Sofia, who in the last week have shown that they are extremely disciplined. The inspections that we do every day show that the measures are generally observed. The violations are isolated. Let’s continue, because we see that there is an arrest in Sofia. In the cases, this can be good news, but the bad news is that the number of hospitalized and, unfortunately, deceased continues to grow “, called Fandakova previously.
