For GERB, division is a danger, not an opportunity


All power comes from the people. TThis reminded him of GERB’s head of PG, Daniela Daritkova, who, after the head of state Rumen Radev finished his speech, returned to the new plenary.

Daritkova quietly waited on the rostrum for her colleagues from the parliamentary group as well to take their places.

No one could appropriate the sovereignty of the people. He recalled the fist of President Rumen Radev and accused him of desecrating public buildings, hanging gallows and carrying coffins through the streets of the capital.

We at GERB have chosen to be responsible at the national level, Daritkova stressed. She again requested that the Supreme National Assembly be convened and that a new Constitution be voted on. The debate in this parliament would be whether to convene the Supreme National Assembly. I am aware that this is a great responsibility, stressed Dr. Daritkova. She insisted on a national conversation.

Rumen Radev wants parliament not to be Borissov's service staff

Rumen Radev wants parliament not to be Borissov’s service staff

If you don’t want to listen to me, listen to your voters who are out today

In her speech, she reported the division that reached the abyss. For us, division is a danger, not an opportunitysaid Daniela Daritkova. We will endeavor to have a dialogue with everyone, he promised.

We do not want to put the Bulgarians against the Bulgarians, said the president of the PG of GERB. The members of his party would comply with the provisions of the Basic Law and they just wanted to update the Constitution for the future.

The GERB deputies left their new room so as not to listen to Radev

The GERB deputies left their new room so as not to listen to Radev

Karayancheva failed to banish the spirits of the past

Daritkova, however, insisted that there are no conditions for early elections. The health crisis is not over yet, Daritkova added. The migration crisis is not over either. For the country, the only possibility was national unification. Problems cannot be solved with confrontation and causing a political crisis, she is convinced. GERB was ready for compromises and dialogue. Everyone should think more about the country than about their narrow political interests.

The politics of hatred would bear bitter fruit, Daritkova warned in her speech.

We remember, c GERB announced todaythat they will matter his proposal for a new Constitution, for which they initially need 120 signatures of deputies. Of The MRF has already announcedwho will not support the GERB initiative, from The BSP is also against. “Will” was also rejected the opportunity to give their signatures.

The decision of the United Patriots coalition partners and the independent deputies to initiate or not the procedure of reform of the Basic Law and summon a Great National Assembly.

Karayancheva haunts the ghosts of the past in the new home of the deputies

Karayancheva haunts the ghosts of the past in the new home of the deputies

The parliamentary head asked for unity and unification
