Foods and drinks that do not spoil and do not have an expiration date – ᐉ Curious • news about lifestyle, diet, health and fashion


There are foods that practically do not spoil for a long time. Archaeological excavations have shown that even in the tombs of ancient Egypt honey was found that was still fit for consumption.

Familiarize yourself with other foods and drinks that do not have an expiration date and can be stored for years.


Foods and drinks that do not spoil and do not have an expiration date

Winnie the Pooh’s favorite food doesn’t have an expiration date. Honey may change color and crystallize, but it will still be safe for consumption. If you want to go back to its liquid form, simply place the honey jar in warm water and stir until the crystals dissolve.


The substitute for bread in Asian countries, in addition to being more useful, is also much more durable. Even if a hideously thick layer of powder builds up on the rice jar, box, or package, the contents inside will still be as good as the day you bought it. This applies to almost all types of rice except brown – it is stale. Just remember to keep the rice in tightly closed boxes.

White vinegar

Foods and drinks that do not spoil and do not have an expiration date

You can buy a large quantity on promotion without worrying about when you will use it. It will never break. At the same time, vinegar treatment helps against joint diseases, diabetes, varicose veins, skin problems, sinusitis and other health diseases.


Considered by many to be a poison, salt will stay fresh indefinitely in your kitchen. Given its other “qualities”, it has no chance of being infested by cockroaches, ants and other pests, because they will die if they introduce it into their bodies.


Foods and beverages that do not spoil and do not have an expiration date

The challenge with sugar is not to keep it fresh, but to prevent it from turning into a rock-hard lump. Sugar never spoils because it does not support the growth of bacteria. Just be sure to store it in airtight containers that protect it from moisture.

Strong alcohol

Whiskey, vodka, brandy, and all of their relatives in the “hard” league not only have no expiration date, but some of them even get better with time. You can be sure that if you store strong alcohol in a dark and cool place, it can easily outlive you. It can even become something that is passed down from generation to generation in your family. Alcohol may slightly lose its flavor, but this will hardly be noticeable.
