Five patients fired for fatally delayed patients on the stairs of a hospital in Plovdiv


Five patients fired for fatally lingering on the stairs of a hospital in Plovdiv

A total of 7 people are guilty, and five people will be fired for poor organization at the St. George Hospital in Plovdiv, where two people with coronavirus died after being left defenseless for 40 minutes on the stairs of one of the clinics.

On Friday, the medical institution announced that the first results of the internal inspection at the hospital are ready and at the moment the guilt of seven employees has been established, who have committed violations to the order of patient care and medical care.

A procedure is under way for the dismissal of an administrative chief, a doctor, two paramedics and an ambulance driver. Two “Dismissal Warning” punishment orders were also issued.

The Commission is continuing its work as there are still issues and circumstances that need to be further examined and clarified.

Starting today, the hospital is introducing even stricter measures to coordinate the transfer of patients from one hospital to another.

The final results of the internal inspection will be announced after its completion and the materials will be delivered to the investigation and control bodies involved in the signals sent, the hospital reported.

The scandalous case became known after the wife of one of the deceased patients shot and distributed a video of his stay on the stairs and told the painful story of his transfer to the newly opened Covid treatment clinic at the hospital. First, the patients were transferred by ambulance from another hospital building and left to wait helplessly without the help of anyone taking them to the ward. And shortly after they were finally accepted, they died.

Yesterday, the director of the hospital, Professor Karen Dzhambazov, explained what happened with the logistical problems. Health Minister Kostadin Angelov said he would await the results of the designated inspection and commented that, while unacceptable, such things do happen.
