Firefighters in spacesuits brought a 150-pound patient with Covid-19 to the intensive care unit.


A 150 kg patient with a severe coronavirus was transferred to MOBAL’s intensive care unit “Dr. Stefan Cherkezov” in Veliko Tarnovo by firefighters. The man would not have survived without intensive treatment, local daily Borba reported.

On Tuesday night, the 61-year-old man from Tarnovo was admitted to the Specialized Lung Hospital “Dr. Treiman” in Veliko Tarnovo, but despite the efforts of doctors to stabilize him, he was getting worse by the minute. Due to his overweight, the transfer to MOBAL “Dr. Stefan Cherkezov” seemed impossible for the team on duty. His condition is aggravated by concomitant diseases – respiratory and heart failure.

“Dr. Sirakova and I concluded that the patient needed resuscitation and needed to be transferred urgently to the intensive care unit. The hospital contacted the CEO of MOBAL” Dr. Stefan Cherkezov “Dr. Stefan Filev, who attended. After we saw that we could not bring it down alone, due to its enormous weight, we sought the help of the Tarnovo fire service,” said paramedic Ivan Kanev, who is the sole worker of school health that came to the forefront against the coronavirus in the old capital.

Four firefighters were sent to the hospital and to ensure their safety, they were dressed in specialized protective medical “suits”, gloves, socks and everything necessary to enter the patient’s COVID. Using a special tarp, firefighters lowered the 61-year-old patient from his room on the second floor into an ambulance, which took him to the district hospital.

“If the firefighters they hadn’t helped carry this man, he would die. We are very grateful for your cooperation, “Kanev added.
