Extraordinary news from the Minister of Health: Starting next week … VIDEO


Today at headquarters a decision was made at Gotse Delchev Hospital. 10 beds can be opened and consequently, when these needs are exhausted, patients can be transported to Razlog. This was stated by the Minister of Health Kostadin Angelov in an extraordinary briefing in Gotse Delchev.

With respect to other hospitals in the region, there are no difficulties in having hospital beds. The problem is still the staff: doctors and nurses who care for patients. Especially on Gotse Delchev, Sandanski and Razlog, “he said.

According to him, there are 2 proposals to solve the problem. One is to allow students to do internships and the second option is that specialists who do their internships in the capital can work in Gotse Delchev hospital, “he said. Regarding the general situation of the district, there are additional measures on the part of the mayors of the municipalities.

The purpose of all these measurements in the field is to reduce the morbidity curve and enter more normal numbers, so that we can advise people to travel more freely.

If everyone follows the measures, we expect the incidence to decrease by approximately 30%. We are currently neglecting the whole situation. The most important measure is to wear masks indoors, “he said.

“Starting next week the National Logistics Headquarters will be open. People will work in it 24 hours a day under the principle of a call center. The country will be divided into 6 regions. The role of the workers will be to compensate all deficits for people to receive help in each “There should be no people waiting to be accommodated, or should Remdesivir be necessary waiting for permission,” said Professor Angelov.

“We cannot fight this virus with checkpoints. We can fight it with measures and intellect, not with fear, we can fight it with discipline, we can follow the rules. From now on, we will introduce uncompromising control at every point, in” No we can allow nobody to think that they can be above the rights of all. The sanctions will be the same for everyone until people start to comply with the measures, “he said.

