Exotic girl headed by the traffic police-Samokov – ᐉ Curious • news about lifestyle, diet, health and fashion


Since the beginning of the new year, the Traffic Police – Samokov has a new boss. At the head of the post is Inspector Farida Said, who replaces the head of the busy unit, Inspector Georgi Elin. Georgi Elin is retiring as almost his entire professional career passes into the Home Office system, writes samokov365.com.

Inspector Farida Said is 33 years old. He has a master’s degree from the Academy of the Ministry of the Interior, specializing in “Crime Prevention and Protection of Public Order”. He joined the Interior Ministry system in 2013 as a regular police officer in the Regional Office – Samokov. He successively held the position of police inspector in the security and traffic police.

An exotic girl was headed by the Samokov Traffic Police.

The total staff of the Samokov Regional Police Department Traffic Police includes a total of ten posts for junior traffic controllers, for which ten officers are currently employed.

How did the offer come to you and what made you accept the position?

The re-election itself was after I submitted a request for re-election, agreed with the head of the Regional Directorate – Samokov – Chief Inspector Vasil Popov and with the permission of the Director of ODMVR – Sofia, thanking them for the vote of confidence.

Becoming the head of such a position is a huge challenge for me, and the support I received from an experienced professional like Mr. Popov further motivates me to show that a woman can cope with the duties and responsibilities that invariably accompany my work. exercise.

Do you think a woman could successfully lead this difficult sector, the Traffic Police?

There are female pilots on airplanes, women in senior management positions. Why is Samokov’s traffic control inspector not a woman? I accept my current appointment with great responsibility and I know there is a lot of work ahead of me, but I will do my best to meet the demands of the citizens.

What are the professional difficulties and challenges? And what causes a woman to dedicate herself to this male profession?

The difficulty is that I constantly have to prove myself in a male profession. To prove myself to my colleagues, to prove myself to the public, to prove myself even myself. I find it necessary to constantly update personal knowledge and strive for development.

It may sound like a cliché, but being a police officer is a vocation that you must accept with all the positives and negatives and dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to this job. Working with people is difficult because each person is an individual, with a developed character and opinion, so it is very important to approach the person with care and understanding and the problem. I have no difficulty in my relationship with the RU-Samokov team, which is mostly male. So far, I have found the necessary respect, support and understanding from all colleagues and am satisfied with my place among them.

Do you foresee any changes with respect to the work?

Among the main priorities of the Ministry of the Interior is the reduction of road traffic injuries. As it has been until now, I will focus on vulnerable areas of the city and small settlements, areas with concentration of accidents, driving of licensed and unlicensed drivers, as well as the technical condition of the vehicles. In conducting enforcement activity, we will continue to strictly apply the zero tolerance principle to identified offenders.

What do you want for yourself, your family, colleagues and everyone for 2021?

Above all, I wish that all people have health, longevity, be better among themselves and think mostly positively, no matter how difficult it may be for us after the difficult 2020. I wish all the staff of the Regional Office many professional success – Samokov and I look forward to our joint efforts to meet the public requirements directed at us.
