EU Commissioner Maria Gabriel is in quarantine


She announced this on her Facebook account.

Bulgarian EU Commissioner Maria Gabriel has been quarantined for being in contact with a coronavirus. She announced this on her Facebook account.

The president of the European Commission is in quarantine

“Yesterday a member of my team confirmed a positive PCR test for COVID-19. In compliance with all current requirements and regulations, it is imperative that I isolate myself for the next 7 days. I feel fine and have no symptoms,” wrote the commissioner Bulgarian.

Yesterday a member of my team confirmed a positive PCR test for COVID-19. Complying with all the requirements and in force …

Posted by Mariya Gabriel on Monday, October 5, 2020

He wished everyone health and called for compliance with the anti-epidemic measures that protect people from the deadly virus.

Earlier, the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced that she was isolating herself because she had contact with an infected person.

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