Drug deficiency for coronavirus in pharmacies.


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Deficiency of some drugs that are used to treat coronavirus by people who are in home treatment, registered in pharmacies, Nova TV reported.

There is a deficiency in three groups of drugs: anticoagulants, corticosteroids, and antibiotics. Antibiotics are 2 or 3 types missing, but they are replaceable and this is not a problem. I hope this shortfall is temporary, said Nikolai Kostov, president of the Association of Pharmacy Owners.

He clarified that the reason for the deficit is not excess stocks, since these drugs are sold only by prescription, but their greater demand due to the high number of patients.

The Ministry of Health responded to a query from Nova TV that there are medicines from all three groups available in the pharmacy network and that new deliveries are expected by the end of the year. Furthermore, they reported no problems or deficiencies in the three groups of drugs.
