Dr. Trifon Valkov: Wearing masks outdoors is absurd


Reducing the quarantine from 14 to 10 days after a positive COVID-19 result is the correct measure. These measures came even with a delay, Dr. Trifon Valkov, who works on the front line at Sofia Hospital for Infectious Diseases, said on the “Face to Face” program.

“A few months ago, an article was written on the Robert Koch Institute website that their experience with more than 17,000 patients after the fifth to seventh day of virus release in the nasopharynx and the danger of infection on contact, even more close, the susceptible individual is very small and there is a reason to reduce these 14 days ”.

The entire medical community or most of it is aware that there is no way that masks can fully protect against infection, added Dr. Trifon Valkov.

“As for wearing masks outdoors, I personally share my opinion and I think it is absurd.”

There is no logic. He who seeks logic must seek it far from medicine. He is not a doctor. Medical logic when walking outdoors: either 20, 15, 8 degrees or 25 degrees with a mask, walking my dog ​​in South Park and wearing a mask when no one is around me or we are two people at a distance of about one meter, and as you say being in a restaurant 50 or people, crossing an aligned table, inside, and there is no way to make us wear masks, because we are sitting to dinner, it is absurd. The logic does not exist.

The idea of ​​tightening these measures is the health system’s attempt to reduce morbidity in order to protect health facilities, but this is not the way to do it. I think this practice turned out to be a failure, it has been proven over time, “Dr. Valkov said.

Watch the full interview in the video.
