Dr. Miroslav Nenkov with an important comment on nurseries and kindergartens – Society


It is difficult for children and their families to make a decision. This is a state decision that does not have an unequivocal response. This was stated by the former Minister of Health and anesthesiologist Dr. Miroslav NenkovMiroslav Nenkov

Miroslav Nenkov was born on March 15, 1969 in the city of Sofia.

Graduated with a degree .

According to him, it is difficult to predict what would happen. And opening should be slow and smart.

On the “Ask BNT” program, he explained that, as a non-doctor, he could say, “Come on, open these gardens now,” but as a doctor you know it is not that easy.

Nenkov said that in some countries classrooms are open only for children with special needs, and in others, for parents who are at the forefront of the fight against the coronavirus.

“We cannot tell young children to stay 2 meters. The virus is transmitted from person to person, no matter how much the Chinese tried to hide it,” said Nenkov.

He also commented that the launch of nurseries and gardens is a state decision, and that parents allow their children to meet in groups is a family problem, a matter of responsibility.

Parents await the decision of kindergartens and kindergartens

Miroslav NenkovMiroslav Nenkov

Miroslav Nenkov was born on March 15, 1969 in the city of Sofia.

Graduated with a degree He also explained that there is no way for children to isolate themselves from each other. Concerned that if nurseries and kindergartens are not opened, this will reduce the immunity of children, the specialist said:

“This is speculative, summer is not a sick period,” said Nenkov.

When asked if he himself would let the boy go to a nursery or kindergarten at the time, he was adamant that he would not.

Miroslav NenkovMiroslav Nenkov

Miroslav Nenkov was born on March 15, 1969 in the city of Sofia.

Graduated with a degree however, he believes that the children of doctors and policemen involved in fighting the infection can be considered.

The former health minister advised parents not to worry and take their children out, but to avoid meeting other people.

“This virus is new. You see in different countries it is very different,” said Miroslav Nenkov.Miroslav Nenkov

Miroslav Nenkov was born on March 15, 1969 in the city of Sofia.

Graduated with a degree .

In conclusion, he emphasized that the pandemic has again shown that all Bulgarians understand medicine. He advised people not to give in to all the writings on the Internet. Remember that there is no single medicine that can cure the virus. It is not known whether it may reactivate after healing.

“Modern science says this: With this virus we must stay away,” said Nenkov.
