Dr. Daritkova indicated when the total closure will take place.


Condolences to the relatives of deceased patients. The health system operates in overload mode and what happened cannot be a stigma for all workers. The inspection will identify the culprits and they will bear their punishment.

This was stated by the president of the GERB parliamentary group, Dr. Daniela Daritkova, in “Drive straight”. about the man who died on the steps of a hospital in Plovdiv, about whom BLIC has already written.

“All medical personnel do their duty tirelessly and around the clock,” he said.

“I believe that if everyone in the system takes responsibility, we can successfully tackle the epidemic. It is important that patients are identified and isolated early. When there is a complication, it must be properly assessed whether the person should be hospitalized.” she added.

“Everyone who needs hospital treatment receives it,” said Daritkova. According to her, we have a pretty good reaction to the disease.

A mortality analysis is necessary, but now is not the time for a study of this typeF. The responsibility of doctors is clear, but the responsibility of society must also be clear, because if we don’t follow the measures, the patients will continue to grow, “said Daritkova.

“ChMost patients hear medications that someone has declared a panacea for K-19 and start taking them prophylactically. This will not help“he emphasized.

“Every week other measures against the epidemic are specified in relation to the situation in the country,” he stressed.

“If public attitudes change, current measures will suffice. People should follow the measures, limit contacts, keep their distance, if they have symptoms, quarantine themselves. If this is observed, we will limit the spread of infection.” Daritkova said. .

It is important that we follow the measures to avoid total closure.. The effect of the health crisis and, later, of the economic crisis must be evaluated ”, he said.

According to her, at this time all economic entities work with low attendance, observance of distance and hygiene, and at this stage a total closure would cause a backlash. He stressed that this would also affect the mental health of the nation.

“Each settlement may require its own measures. Distance learning of students or other measures against the epidemic may be required. In this sense, I think we are more flexible and this will pay off. I see a plateau in the number of infected “. she said.

“There is a large percentage of people who carry the disease asymptomatically. They are not contagious, they have been contagious over time. Those who are tested for antigens are contagious. These people need to be isolated.”Daritkova stressed.

According to her, each patient should be responsible. “RHI quarantines all contact persons,” he said.

“Recommendations for tightening measures should come from experts and should summarize the opinion of all physicians,” he said.
