Dr. Dancho Penchev takes over RHI-Sofia again – Issues in development


re Dancho Penchev returns to RHI-Sofia as deputy director. This was announced by the state’s chief health inspector, Dr. Angel Kunchev, at NOVA.

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Dr. Ilonka Maeva, who is currently the director, is in quarantine due to coronavirus cases in her family.

Dr. Penchev resigned on October 26, without specific reasons.

According to Adjunct Professor Kunchev, the fact that Dr. Penchev takes over the leadership of RHI-Sofia while Dr. Maeva is absent is good news, because at the moment the situation requires great coordination and he is familiar with everything.

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Dr. Ilonka Maeva’s PCR test was negative, but she had symptoms after having an infected family member. Therefore, it must remain in quarantine.

“In Sofia, as in all major cities, a process is underway to open new COVID beds, almost 200 in each of the major hospitals and at least 10% in all the others. This, in turn, it requires constant contact and coordination with RHI and myself. Satisfied and grateful that Dr. Penchev has accepted the proposal and from today he will be involved in the work of providing beds, “said Associate Professor Angel Kunchev.

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The Chief State Health Inspector added that in Ruse, nurses from kindergartens and schools will be involved in helping hospitals as it is important that they have a medical education.

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“The problem of staff shortages will be solved when there is the possibility of electronic delivery of sick leave. This is expected to happen next week. This will allow people to receive information and GPs will be able to see that people are in quarantine”. said Associate Professor Kunchev.

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