Don’t pet the cat, blow it!


The cat Alex likes to pamper himself and eat more, so his owner has a guide with useful tips.

When mischief, of course.

How not to have it written in your head

I was having fun with a feline intelligence test. Summing up the result, I was surprised to read: “Sorry, but your cat is smarter than you.” It was mine … It used to put on my head (laptop), and it wasn’t one of my favorites. That explains why it does my trick. The “personal favorites” are more protected. I am convinced that as soon as you encounter the result of another feline whim or revenge, you will see a cunning flame in someone’s green eyes …

Be careful, and without being a mouse, they can play a lot with you.


don’t risk to grow

evil breed of cat

Top 10 bad guys (although subjective) They are the Siamese, followed by rarer breeds such as the Mekong Bobtail, the Abyssinian cat, the Stone Cougar, the Maine Coon and others.

Second, do your homework right: the cat is like a vacation, it costs at least double what you thought.
Third, do not trust children, if you insist, you will irritate them, irritate the kitten.

What does the sweet meow know about us, according to vet Dr. Daniel Jacobi? We are the greatest, they understand it quickly as soon as we step on their tail; we are a valuable source of food; it is easy to manipulate: we only need to be loved, sleep peacefully and not complain when seeing broken books, newspapers, documents, curtains, “perfumed” slippers; we are slower and not very smart. Simple cat logic.

And we?

Love your cat

but do not perceive it

as a human being

If she has done something wrong, do not say in a loving tone: “Bad kitty!”, Do not hug her and do not pet her. (caresses are a separate issue, even from a health point of view – ba).

The cat does not react to words, but to intonation. How to raise a mother cat: with shelling and whining. And this is not forgotten. Would it be cruel to gently pat the kitten on the nose if she doesn’t listen? Can’t the cat reach the disobedient’s paw? Sometimes we have to be a bit more strict.

The cat should be praised and encouraged. Punishment doesn’t work for her. O’Farrell and Neville’s Handbook of Cat Behavior makes it clear: “A cat cannot think abstractly or symbolically, nor can it make plans for the future. That is why it is useless to punish her even for an act committed just a few minutes ago. But as soon as you catch her at the “crime scene,” kick her or spray her with a squirt gun. Always carry a toy with you to distract yourself from the problem. If you have a children’s bicycle horn, inflate every time Make a mistake, but don’t pretend to be the source of the annoying sounds, it won’t scare you, turn it into a game, and do it.

Cats don’t like

some flavors

If there is a taboo area for mischief, let it smell like vinegar, raw onion, lemon or orange peel, menthol. Aluminum foil (maybe a piece of fly trap) is not a favorite painting surface.

To avoid waking up at dawn, play with your purring pet at night to tire him out. A toy with cat food also works, which will make him use more energy. Feed him later so he is not very hungry in the morning and does not rattle with the bowl. The vacuum cleaner under the bed or the hair dryer on the nightstand does not interfere. The unpleasant sound of writing keeps them to one side, but it is best to close the door tightly.

Many owners allow their cat to sleep, snuggling up next to them in bed, convinced that this is how she shows her love. Maybe it’s true. The truth is usually more prosaic: it’s hotter there than it is on the ground and you probably like the host’s smell.

One possible way out is an electric pillow placed at the other end of the bedroom.
Don’t rush to wash the sheets, let the cat lie on them while you’re gone. And there will be peace, love and harmony between man and his cat (or between the cat and his man …).
