Doncheva invented “news” for the Minister of Health, Manolova liked that


Kostadin Angelov

Tatiana Doncheva “redesigned” for the party’s convenience the scientific career of the Minister of Health a week before the elections. The ancient sword of the Socialists, now among the new faces of
“Get up! Get out!”, Apparently without looking for precise data, announced a “lightning” growth of Kostadin Angelov. According to lawyer Doncheva, he became an associate professor and professor within a year.
“It seems to me that this is a sign of exceptional ‘managerial’ skill, but hardly medical experience,” Tatiana Doncheva said on public television. Minutes later, the other BSP legal sword, and now brand new politician Maya Manolova, liked the “news” from her colleague so much that she immediately shared a short video with an excerpt from the interview on her Facebook page. “Ladybugs rule us,” Manolova announced cheerfully.

However, a reference in the Register of Academic Positions and Dissertations ( shows that the Minister of Health became an associate professor in 2015 and a professor, not one, but five years later. In the register are visible all journal articles and scientific series, as well as conference reports, which are aligned with the academic achievements of Kostadin Angelov.

The surgeon, who is one of the doctors in the League of Physicians We Trust, apparently attracted Doncheva’s attention because of the election: he withdrew from the electoral battle, although the GERB invited the non-partisan former head of Alexandrovska Hospital to lead in Veliko. Tarnovo and Varna. Prof. Angelov received the invitation after showing for months as Minister of Health a perfect organization in the battle against KOVID. Doncheva herself is also a guide in Varna.
