Dispose of artificial flowers and broken mementos from your home


Things at home to get rid of this weekend

The change of seasons is a good time to clean and reorganize the house. Especially now when you need to free up space in your kitchen cabinets for jars of delicious jam and fragrant lyutenitsa or for herbs from this year’s harvest that will turn into summer flavored teas on cold winter days. And no matter how much you wonder and think that nothing can be thrown away, you certainly have items in your home that are unnecessary.

Plastic boxes. Whether it’s ice cream that you keep just in case and reusable, or bought especially to store something in the kitchen, plastic boxes are the first thing to throw away. The material retains odors, wears out quickly and easily, and becomes harmful at some point, so what you put inside will not be stored the way you want. That’s why you don’t need to collect and store the boxes that take up space in your cabinets.

Artificial flowers. If you have children, pets, or a dust allergy, artificial flowers are among the things that have no place in your home. They retain dust, hair, and bacteria from the air and are among the items we rarely think about washing and washing. Yes, they look beautiful and add style and comfort to the interior, but you can certainly save them in the name of your health and comfort. Furthermore, they are considered to be unlucky because they are “dead” flowers and accumulate bad energy.

Flowers in dry pots. If you have old pots in which something is planted, but it has already dried out or has not sprouted, now is the time to empty them and save them for spring and planting new crops. If the flowers or grasses haven’t survived or haven’t sprung up by now, they probably won’t on cold days (unless they’re cold-loving species). Check the pots on the patio and on the balconies and don’t keep the pots filled only with soil, which take up space with no added value.

Worn underwear and socks. Most of the women are lingerie maniacs and accumulate all kinds of models and types. However, surely you have some that are worn, you keep them for years without using them, or they have narrowed or lengthened over time. You don’t need to take up space in your closet, get rid of them and make room for new additions.

Old clothes and shoes. The same applies to clothing and shoes that are irretrievably dirty, torn, or a size different from yours. Collect them in a bag or classify them and leave them in containers for recycling or donation. You can also exchange them for vouchers from the main fashion brands, with which you can buy new, modern and appropriately sized clothes.

Expired cosmetics and drugs. Take a good look at the labels of all lipsticks, powders and other cosmetic products that have accumulated on your dresser, because surely there are those that have expired for a long time. There will also be products that are still suitable, but that have dried or that their consistency has changed, such as eye mascara or nail polish, for example. Whatever your case, there is no point in keeping them. Do the same with the medicine cabinet. It hardly checks which drug expires and when, and we all know how high the risk of taking inappropriate drugs is. Take 10 to 15 minutes every few months to review your cosmetics and medications and avoid other complications.

Broken memories. Porcelain figurines, souvenirs from different places you’ve been or wedding gifts you’ve been to. They all take up space in the room, collect dust and make cleaning very difficult. And according to interior experts, they make the home cheesy. If they are healthy and bring good memories, it is not bad to keep them. However, when they have suffered several falls and are no longer in their full splendor, they do not make sense. Throw them. It is not a beautiful elephant with a broken leg, nor does this suffering memory bring good luck to its owner. It is better to get rid of it and replace it with another.

Old documents and papers. Receipts for bills paid, receipts, worksheets from 3 years ago… These are just some of the papers that are likely to fill your desk and cabinets. Take the time to look closely at each sheet of paper to determine if you need it. Be especially careful with warranty cards and car documents; Keep track of everything so that over time you don’t turn out to have thrown away something you still need. But even one that has long since exhausted its usefulness has no place in your home either.

Old magazines and catalogs. Brochures from retail chains, old issues of magazines or catalogs are often found on the desk or in the “everything cabinet” and we rarely think of throwing them away immediately after the promotion or its expiration date. However, all they do is pile up and take their place. And it only takes a few minutes to get rid of them and make room for new stocks of such things. Or another. One thing is for sure: after throwing all this in the trash, you will feel like you have a lot of free space.
