Did you discover the sunken Atlantis? – ᐉ Curious • news about lifestyle, diet, health and fashion


For thousands of years, historians have dedicated their lives to finding Atlantis and no one has ever succeeded. Researchers now claim that the mystery of the ancient city’s location has finally been solved, giving their evidence of the discovery of the lost civilization by Plato’s legends.

In just a few days, two independent investigation teams have discovered two sites where the ancient city may have been buried.

The history of Atlantis and its inhabitants has long been the subject of heated debate and debate both within and outside of the scientific community. Along with the dispute over the truth of this legend, the Atlantis seekers are also arguing about its location. Over the years, more than one and two seekers of the lost civilization have reported that they have found its remains in one place or another on Earth.

At the end of December, a young researcher claimed to have found the exact location of the mythical city and that it is close to Spain.

Did you find the sunken Atlantis?

The island, whose soldiers are believed to have besieged ancient Athens, is mentioned in early historical records as Timaeus or Critias. According to legend, Athens managed to repel the attack of the Atlanteans, and the island itself fell out of favor with the gods and was forever flooded.

Satellite images showed “giant rings” beneath the surface of a nature reserve off the Spanish coast.

The huge structures were hidden under the sands of the coast of Spain. The image attracted the attention of amateur physicist and historian Rainer Kune. Upon studying it in more detail, he noticed something like large rectangular structures within the circles, writes the Express newspaper.

Did you find the sunken Atlantis?

One of the figures was 250 meters long and the other was “much larger”. Even with the help of electrotomography, it was not possible to explain exactly what these structures were.

“If there are round structures under the Spanish coast, who built them?” Some find the first traces of Plato, ”says Kuhn. However, most experts do not agree with this theory.

“The problem with the history of Atlantis is that very few people believe in the existence of the city. Countless researchers have tried to find Atlantis. Now many believe that (Plato) simply invented it,” said the archaeologist.

According to him, this “philosophical history” includes historical elements that include the city of Tartessa and the War of the Bronze Age, so it can sometimes seem credible.

In 2006 and 2009, two archaeological excavations were carried out in the Spanish national park of Doñana. The expeditions were led by the archaeologist Sebastián Celestino Pérez and the historian Richard Freund. The main results of the work were the discovery of evidence of four tsunamis between 2100 BC. C. and 200 a. C. and numerous ceramic artifacts in the region. Evidence of the existence of Atlantis has never been found.

Days earlier, another research team also announced that it had found the lost Atlantis, but several hundred kilometers to the east. The team discovering new drawings and objects among the ruins of an ancient city, 3,000 years ago, gives a new reading of the assumption that Atlantis was located on the island of Santorini. Evidence for this includes paintings “that match Plato’s descriptions.”

Did you find the sunken Atlantis?

The Discovery Channel reports the discovery of new finds in the ancient city of Akrotiri, dating back 3,000 years, which was destroyed by a volcano and buried 60 meters underground on the Greek island of Santorini.

In its heyday, the city was famous for its beautiful and precise architecture. The narrow streets were intricately paved with stone, and the town square was lined with quaint three- and four-story houses.

“The ruins suggest that a very advanced civilization lived here for thousands of years before its sudden end,” the team said.

A huge volcanic eruption, described by historians, caused the destruction of Akrotiri.

Photo: Shutterstock

Did you find the sunken Atlantis?
