Denitsa Sacheva knew that at age 40 she would adopt Victor. I didn’t know that it would teach him to be patient


Joanna, 102, whom Sacheva met as a student at a bus stop in the Netherlands, and the two have been communicating for years, taught her that helping strangers was a gift to share.

Denitsa Sacheva always knew that when she turned 40 she would adopt a child.

His grandmother adopted his mother at that age. That’s why at 39 he presented his documents. Celebrate her 40th birthday with completely unknown couples at a school for prospective adoptive parents. Each one is an interesting person, each couple with their own special destiny, with expectations, concerns and hopes. They fill it with gifts. The Mendelian table, because love is chemistry, a small candlestick with a hand-painted icon, a blue box with handwritten fortunes for every day. Since then

Denitsa Sacheva trusts her mother to take care of Victor.

Denitsa Sacheva trusts her mother to take care of Victor.

every birthday for

Mom, I'm Dr. Sachev in round diseases.  These are diseases of the throat.  How many degrees is your blood pressure?  Grandma, touch our patient!

Mom, I’m Dr. Sachev in round diseases. These are diseases of the throat. How many degrees is your blood pressure? Grandma, touch our patient!

Denitsa is special,

Denitsa Sacheva knew that at age 40 she would adopt Victor.  I didn't know that it would teach him to be patient

because it is shared

Denitsa Sacheva knew that at age 40 she would adopt Victor.  I didn't know that it would teach him to be patient

with Victor

– so far 6 in number. On Monday he turned 47 years old. Due to the pandemic, she celebrated it only with the boy and his mother Albena, who helped her raise him. Victor decorated the house with balloons and made a special card. And that day Sacheva withdrew luck from the blue box.

Victor changes her completely, he teaches her to be patient, because she always wants things to happen now, but he squeezes the brakes very hard. He fills her with a lot of emotion and through him she understands what is real, she ignores all the aggression and hypocrisy in social networks.

Every decision Denitsa makes in the last 7 years, she always wonders how it will affect Victor in 10 years.

understand what it is

Minister of Social Affairs,

by Victor, and he

from the television

On December 1, an extraordinary briefing for Boyko Borissov took place and the 6-year-old boy heard his mother’s name. He walks into the kitchen and says excitedly: Mom, I heard your name on TV.

So far, he is still considering whether to accept the position. The prime minister is in front of her.

Incredible, but Denitsa started working at the Ministry of Social Affairs at the age of 21. Boyko Borissov returned her there and handed her the key to the closet. Otherwise, today’s Minister of Social Affairs has an impeccable resume: diplomas in social pedagogy, tourism management, health management, master’s in public relations. There is no shortage of courses in political and social marketing, assistance management and social services, risk management …

During the state of emergency for about a month and a half, Victor went to work with his mother almost every day.

Puts it responsibly

print and go

not miss


at lunch time. Hold concerts and performances to lift the spirits of employees seeking solutions to the complex COVID situation.

“Sometimes I take him with me because I want him to know what’s going on and what I’m doing to make sure we don’t see each other, not because I don’t love him, but because I have a job that requires me to love a lot of people and work for them. “Sacheva says.

Victor does not want to follow in his footsteps. First Dream of Being a Doctor: Dr. Sachev in Round Diseases (According to him, these are diseases of the throat – ba). So he wants to be a “firefighter”. Now he’s impressed with Spider-Man and Batman and wants to be a superhero.

“I am not one of the parents who want the child to make their own ideas and dreams come true. I understand that you have to build a separate person who is independent, from whom you are a support, but you are not a barrier or a brake”, it is the mother’s philosophy.

Victor knows that he is the most valuable and important thing for Denitsa, who strives to raise him with love.

Three topics help Sacheva make important decisions while serving as Deputy Minister of Education. There was a photo of Victor on his desk. An artificial sea that the children of a small town who had never seen it gave him, as well as 3D figures of the students with a lot of prizes.

“When I made a decision, I always thought if it would be good for Víctor, for the children of the town and for those who run on the track. “If change were good for them, I would fight to the end, no matter what the opposition says or if someone curses me on Facebook,” he said.

Life confronts her with many people who have helped her. This is why you try to return the good, but to others in need. Denitsa is involved in various causes. Don’t talk about them. However, you will not forget how one girl broke half of her waffle, another poured water on it, even though they had nothing. 2 years ago

for hours doing


campaign for the child

of the deceased


Albena Ivaylova

– little Ali. With the death of Benny, the girl, who is not yet 4 years old, loses her third mother. After her biological studies, she passed through a foster family and was later adopted by Albena.

Years ago, Denitsa received a special gift from Stransko’s grandfather Kolyo: a small Bible that survived the flood in the village in 2014. Later, Sacheva brought them blankets, clothes and money, after everything in the house was destroyed by the flood.

The Minister of Social Affairs was raised by her grandmother and her medical grandparents. Someone always came to the house, for an exam, to measure his blood pressure or to write a prescription. The most normal thing was that they all went to sea and someone would put them back on the road to operate them. Probably then your grandparents taught you that if you give more, you always get more.

Now, as a minister, it is easier to help. Denitsa Sacheva explains the difference in the following way: “The scale is different, we are talking about solutions for thousands, hundreds, millions of people. This can only be done through politics, it would be difficult for one person to do it. On the other hand, small gestures become more difficult because when someone tells me about a problem, I immediately want to do something personal, but I know that if I do it for him, then I will have to do it by hundreds of thousands more in the same situation. I am trying to find a way and a solution through changes in the laws. “

He has known how to listen and ask since he was a child.

So turn the grandmothers in

Dobrich with a notebook,

to hear how

live good

Today she writes everything to make sure she doesn’t miss a thing. Years ago, while studying in the Netherlands, fate found her with the elderly Joanna at a bus stop. He sees her once more when he presents her with a gold bracelet, a family heirloom. Over the years, the two communicate by letters and share everything. Joanna died at the age of 102, but Denitza learned that helping complete strangers was a gift to share. In 2001, robbers broke into Sacheva’s house, leaving only Joanna’s gold bracelet, which had fallen onto the bed, remained of the jewelry.

He doesn’t pay attention

of aggression and


that is generated around it. Clean up all the unnecessary and meaningless in your life. Denitsa has been attacked by former members of her DSB party. Sometimes it’s heavy, but over time you’ve learned to answer only meaningful questions on Facebook. She is very disappointed in people who have declared themselves great Democrats who react with hatred.

You can’t love

with hate! There is not

like or hate

or love!,

she is categorical. The steam escapes, cooking or tending the flowers, one of which she entrusts to Victor. So try to hold him accountable.

He has been collecting elephants for 25 years and they have grown to more than 480. He has been in 56 countries and each time he takes on a new figure. Victor also has his own stuffed elephant, but he knows that his mother’s collection can only be touched with permission.

Sacheva completed her high school education as a private student because, in a hurry, it took 2 years for one. The director of Dobrich’s institute remembers being one of the first independent students in his senior year. “She was ambitious and determined,” is the description of Mr. Georgiev, who advises people to look for her, because Denitsa has ideas that can change an entire country, not just Dobrich, “he added.
