COVID patients must wait at least 3 months if they decide to get vaccinated


Staring the amount of antibody is superfluous, immunity is complex and antibodies they are just a part of it. Theoretically all got sick and covered to some degree. In the field of hypotheses you can say that it is there is a definite cross immunity with the other acquaintances so far coronavirus.

This explains to the readers of “24 hours” the virologist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lyubomira Nikolaeva-Glomb

Those with COVID are compensated for the difficulties and fears they have experienced by creating the most comprehensive immunity possible, the so-called naturally acquired immunity.

Natural immunity after illness provides the full range of antibodies and specialized cells of the humoral and cellular immune response. Among them are memory cells, which preserve the memory of the encounter with the virus and the next time you find it, they will activate the body’s defense system, causing a rapid response that is so good that we do not even realize that a once again we meet the invader. Vaccines are a tool to create similar immunity by mimicking a natural infection, but in a way that avoids the risk of disease, which in some people is serious and sometimes fatal.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, USA, an organization with which the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases cooperates intensively, it makes no sense to vaccinate those who have gone through the viral infection within the 3 months after illness. Lyubomira Nikolaeva-Glomb, MD, Head of the Virology Department at the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases. – First, because

after illness

of whatever

immune system

is weakened

from fighting the cause and it takes about 3 months for him to fully recover. Second, because there is no evidence of relapse within 3 months after COVID-19. There are already reports that this is not observed for up to 6-8 months. Even if there are cases of reinfection, they are units, insignificant in the context of the millions who have fallen ill so far. And third, but not least, in the context of a global vaccine shortage, sufferers can “cede” their dose to those completely defenseless against the new virus, allowing themselves the luxury of waiting because they have some kind of protective immunity. If immunity “lasts” for a year or more, we can say over time, so far only China has an experience that barely exceeds 12 months. The experience of other countries is even shorter. “

However, there is no problem for those who get sick, who will feel calmer if they get vaccinated, to do so after the 3rd month. Health is a complex quantity, both physical and mental, and physical health requires a healthy psyche. So if a person will feel more confident about adding to their natural immunity and vaccine, let them do so, but my personal advice is not before 3 months after illness, the virologist explained.

The argument is “a sufficient number of patients in whom vaccination has not caused violent reactions or complications beyond the mild ailments described, which are possible in others.” Adjunct Professor Nikolaeva-Glomb emphasized that the observations come from observational studies primarily on the basis of medical documentation and are not the result of double-blind studies, which are the gold standard in evidence medicine and in this case suggest a comparison between reactions. in a group of vaccinated and in a group of not vaccinated.

What choice does Assistant Professor Nikolaeva-Glomb make, who contracted the coronavirus infection in December?

“In April, the 3 months after my quarantine will expire, but I will not rush to get vaccinated immediately, no matter what antibody titer I have, just as we will not look for antibodies after any other infection or vaccination.

In September, when the data for immunization of patients is accumulated, when the vaccination program ends and everyone receives their dose, I will decide when to get vaccinated to face the new autumn with a strong enough immunity. Winter season “.

According to medicine, staring at the amount of antibodies is unnecessary, they are not so crucial for immunity. With COVID, there is still no universal measure for the minimum and maximum levels of antibodies that a person must pursue. According to the method used


values ​​of

labs can

to differ

Furthermore, antibodies are not the only measure of immunity developed against the virus. Cellular immunity carries as much or more weight. It has a rich arsenal of T cells of different functions. Some archive the “biological archive” of the pathogen, allowing others, namely memory cells, to quickly identify it at the next meeting with it and activate the creation of cells that can neutralize or kill it.

“At the beginning of the pandemic, when the study of antibody immunity began, it was assumed that there was a correspondence between the severity of the infection and the antibody titer (amount). With methods that are the gold standard in virology and immunology, a relative correlation has been found that milder patients have a lower antibody titer. However, like everything in nature, there are a number of exceptions to the rule: a very high antibody titer in people who have had COVID almost asymptomatically or with mild discomfort. The dependence of all the factors – gender, ethnicity, age, etc., which are concentrated in a particular person, when and how they provoke one or another immune reaction and guarantee protection – has not yet been established.

Without measure

in general

what does it say:

in this

you are a title


There are no similar statements in the summary of product characteristics for vaccines. But one thing is for sure: the vaccine protects us from serious illness and death. No cases of COVID deaths have been reported among those vaccinated, and if someone does get sick, they have a mild illness. Even if you are hospitalized, there is no need for assisted ventilation, this is demonstrated both by clinical studies, based on which vaccines were approved for use, and by the experience of countries where many people have already been vaccinated. ” said the virologist.

The specialist does not advise patients who have been vaccinated or vaccinated who have a low antibody titer to look for evidence of cellular immunity. The research is labor intensive, expensive, and performed only in internationally accredited specialized laboratories within the NCIPD range of structures; it is justified mainly for scientific purposes. Such “proof” for personal belief in established immunity is, among other things, unnecessary.

“In theory, everyone with COVID is protected to some degree. In the realm of speculation, it can be said that there are also

cross immunity with

popular seasonal



up to 30% treble



we observe every cold season – says Associate Prof. Nikolaeva-Glomb. – As a virologist, I cannot explain otherwise the high percentage of people who are mildly ill. They are usually younger people. My virological hypothesis, by analogy with other diseases, is that young people get relatively mildly ill because, on the one hand, they have receptors for angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE-2) that the virus uses to enter the host cell . less, and on the other hand, your immune system still has a vivid memory of the childhood encounter with the 4 “banal” coronaviruses, which passed to humans a long time ago and today cause mild colds. “In young people, immunity to them continues being very strong and by analogy it is assumed that this is why they more easily drive the new pandemic virus, which is from the same family. This is how an immunological cross-reaction can be described in principle, but it remains to be demonstrated whether it is present in COVID.

is there

people that

never will

to get sick


despite all the circumstances? “Yes, it is typical of all infectious diseases, there is a certain percentage of people who do not get infected and do not get sick. For example, there have been reports of people having unprotected sex with HIV-positive partners who are not infected with the AIDS virus, says the virologist. “Humanity as a whole is immortal for the moment.” We are currently the dominant species on the planet, and that, as flattering as it may seem at first glance, is something very, very responsible. The pandemic we are facing is not the first nor will it be the last for the human race. How we handle the ordeal depends on our responsible behavior. “
