COVID-19 also killed a personal doctor from Silistra, until recently he treated himself (Obzor)


A jump of the dead is reported in Smolyan

The infection went back up slightly

In 5 days, COVID-19 took the life of another doctor, Silistra hospital announced. The jeep Dr. Marin Marinov was admitted in a very serious condition on August 25 directly to the intensive care unit. The day before his death there was a slight improvement and we hoped that things would improve, but unfortunately it did not happen, said the head of the hospital, Dr. Daniela Kostadinova.

Dr. Marinov, 61, had one of the largest patient lists in the region with 4,734 people. According to his colleagues, he worked until the end, despite the discomfort caused by the coronavirus. He treated himself. In recent days, however, before entering the hospital, he had retired and was desperate for the illness.

As a colleague, I can say that he was modest and dedicated, said Dr. Svetlana Pavlova. “He was a doctor of the previous generation. The patients loved him very much,” he said.

The Smolyan Regional Health Inspectorate reported an increase in deaths from coronavirus in August. During the month, the disease killed 4 women and 9 men,

more than a half

out of a total of 25

victims in


A total of 154 coronavirus positives were performed per month from 689 PCR tests. 77% of those infected are over 50 years old and their number is much higher than the national average. The deceased are between 65 and 90 years old.

Most of the deaths are due to the aging of the population. Adults, however

infect from

the young man who

summer is

collect from

abroad c

the country to

see relatives

There are also many tourists in the region. Many cases are generally attributed to the high detection rate, as people seek a doctor at the first symptoms, said RHI-Smolyan Director Dr. Mimi Kubateva. Those infected during the month are between 1 and 93 years old. Madan hospital is about to fill beds for treatment of the infection, Dr. Kubateva said. Municipal hospitals, which treat milder cases of patients with the infection, are working on a pathway for bronchopneumonia that costs half the price of the coronavirus. At the same time, her work on other clinical pathways is declining, according to RHIF data.

Only 26 were newly diagnosed coronavirus cases reported Monday by the national information system. The proportion of positive tests was 1.7%. The last week, however, has seen an increase in infected after the decrease of the previous two. Between August 24 and 30, 937 cases of the infection were confirmed, compared to 894 the previous week. The dead for the week were 60 people, and

total for august

For the country

COVID-19 is

killed 220

However, according to the member of the national operational staff, Professor Todor Kantardzhiev, the epidemic is subsiding. He attributed the high mortality from the disease to the aging of the population and the high mortality in the country.

A man with COVID-19 underwent surgery for untreated old peritonin in Montana. The patient felt unwell, but the GP treated him over the phone.
