Close all! The K-19 boom in our country comes from …


Schools and kindergartens are at the heart of the boom that unleashed the second wave of the pandemic, forcing them to close for at least a month, among other high-risk sites. This opinion was expressed by the former Minister of Health, Dr. Tanya Andreeva, in the program “Offensive with Lubo Ognyanov” on Channel 3.

“I am one of the people calling for tough measures. If we do not close schools, kindergartens, shopping centers and stores in a month, we will have serious problems. I am convinced that children in kindergartens are the main cause of the spread of the virus. This experiment will lead us to nothing good“Dr. Andreeva said.

She criticized the Minister of Education, Krassimir Valchev, who described the schools as safe, although the data, according to her, shows that more and more teachers are becoming infected and there is no one to replace them.

“In many schools, the teachers are sick and there is no one to replace them. At the same time, we do not want to go at least temporarily to online training, “said the former minister.

Dr. Andreeva is an OB-GYN, which makes her a valuable source of information for pregnant women and young mothers. She insists that the baby cannot be infected with COVID-19 in utero, but is at risk when it comes into contact with adults after birth. He also explained that there is no evidence to show that the virus can be transmitted through breast milk.
