Chinese experts insist on stopping the Pfizer vaccine!


Chinese health experts are calling for Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine to be stopped due to 23 deaths in Norway after vaccination.

Experts believe that after the incident in Norway, other countries should also stop using COVID-19 vaccines, such as Pfizer, which were created using experimental mRNA technology, he writes., citing the Chinese newspaper Global Times.

According to one expert, the new mRNA vaccine was rapidly developed and has not been shown to be safe for widespread use in humans.
Previously, it was reported that 23 deaths were reported in Norway after vaccination with the Pfizer vaccine. All the deaths were among people over 80, who were in poor health.

In addition, Germany began testing after the death of 10 people vaccinated against coronavirus infection with the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine. The deceased were between 79 and 93 years old and all suffered from serious illnesses.

The reliability of vaccination programs is under threat, European governments said in connection with the sudden announcement that Pfizer was temporarily delaying the supply of COVID-19 vaccines. Most likely, the problems will continue until the beginning of February, and the reason is the optimization of production to increase its capacity.

“This situation is unacceptable. This not only affects the planned schedules, but also reduces the credibility of the vaccination process,” the ministers of Health and Social Affairs of six EU countries said in a letter to the EC.

The letter was signed by Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

Pfizer promises that the current delay will lead to a “significant increase in doses in late February and March.”

