CE: There will be vacations without medical passports (Obzor)


The representatives of the EC, Margrethe Vestager and Thierry Breton present recommendations for trips and vacations. PHOTO: Reuters

Nor does it admit quarantine

Travel between countries with a similar level of infection will start first

The European Commission on Wednesday called for the safe opening of borders between member states in a bid to breathe fresh air into tourism and allow European citizens to take a summer break after weeks of isolation, Reuters reported.

As many countries have already devised their own plans for the summer holidays, the EC has decided to make recommendations to bring order to the chaos. “In the short term, travel within or between member states will dominate,” the commission said, although insignificant.

Trips to

countries outside

obviously block

They will stay


indefinitely, such as recreation and entertainment.

Brussels proposes a gradual approach, the first of which will be to lift travel bans between countries or areas with a similar epidemiological situation. In this way, citizens of countries with similar levels of infection will be able to travel more freely among themselves.

The authorization to enter the territory of a country must



– If citizens of another member state can travel to this country, all others should be allowed with a similar level of infection, emphasizes the EC. On Tuesday, the EU’s executive body scolded Britain, which still has free movement rules, for wanting to selectively quarantine citizens of France and Ireland, discriminating against others with similar or lower levels of infection.

Senior European officials have said the EC does not support quarantine of travelers to the union, as well as a proposal to introduce health certificates. This is especially true when sending and receiving countries apply similar measures to combat K-19. Health passports could deliberately infect some people with the virus if they only had a document that they had contracted the disease. Also, even if a negative test is presented, a person could become infected after the test.

Airlines must insist that passengers wear masks, yes


check in,

The reception and reception of luggage to avoid crowds, insists the EC. At airports, masks will be mandatory, as will disinfectants. However, the center seat on airplanes need not be left empty, a move that has been under discussion for weeks. It would be more efficient to use air filters like in hospitals. Brussels advises buying tickets and registering online. The recommendation is

on planes yes

they are not served

food and drinks

Social distance must be provided on trains, cruises, and all forms of public transportation. Cruises must have isolation cabins if an infection is detected.

“This is not going to be a normal summer. But if we do our best, we will not spend it locked at home and the season will not be entirely lost to the tourism industry, EC Vice President Margrethe said at a press conference. Vestager, in presenting the proposals. – This means taking step-by-step steps to help restart the journey, taking into account the views of science. We need to open the borders carefully. “

The EC also urges people whose flights or vacations have been canceled to do so

have the right


refund of money

Vouchers can also be offered, but they must be valid for at least a year and have state bankruptcy protection, so that people are willing to accept them rather than requiring airlines and tour operators to return their money.

According to the proposals made on Wednesday, people will be able to visit hotels, restaurants and beaches, but they should be aware that the situation may change. Until a vaccine is found, all precautions will remain in place, and if the number of infected cases increases, quarantine may be reintroduced, the EC warns.

To ensure security, Brussels insists that they be resolved



for hotels

and other accommodation. This means that the hospitals in the respective tourist center have sufficient capacity to receive patients, evaluate and control the contacts of the infected.

Hotels and restaurants must provide social distance ways of between 1.5 and 2 meters in common areas where guests stay more than 15 minutes. An electronic system will need to be entered to book an appointment to eat at restaurants and visit pools.

Pools yes

are in good condition


and playgrounds remain closed.

Member States, with the support of the EC, must ensure the cross-border compatibility of monitoring applications so that people are alerted to the potential risk of infection when traveling. These applications must be voluntary, transparent, temporary and protected against cyber attacks.

Several countries have already begun to consider opening borders through bilateral or group agreements. For example, the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia have allowed free movement between them since May 15. Austria and Germany plan to fully open their borders on June 15. Vienna is also working to open up to Switzerland and some Eastern European countries. Germany abolished border controls with Denmark and Luxembourg and facilitated controls with France, Austria, and Switzerland. However, Spain, which relies heavily on tourism, has introduced a 14-day quarantine for all foreign travelers, and the country’s borders will remain closed until July.
