Burgas doctors want BGN 500 per shift to treat COVID-19 patients


Scandal at the University Hospital of Burgas due to lack of medical personnel in the fight against COVID-19.

17 neighborhood chiefs asked to send their doctors, only if they receive 500 BGN for a 12-hour service, reports Nova TV.

They refused to comply with the order of the director of the medical institution to send their doctors and nurses to the Department of Infectious Diseases. The written refusal was sent to the hospital management, the Regional Health Inspectorate and the media.

“Because there is no clarity on how to proceed. We have very few staff, nurses and doctors. And if I separate some of the staff, I think we will not be able to work,” said Dr. Diana Marinova, who is the boss. of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

“We have not said such a thing. It is written quite clearly, it says refusal to implement. Pass the advice and we will comment,” said Dr. Daniel Petkov, head of the department “Ears, nose, throat”.

Among the reasons are the lack of a long-term epidemiological plan in the hospital, the lack of training in assigned tasks. It is also alleged that the order is in conflict with the Labor Code and endangers the lives and health of both patients and staff.

Doctors insist that the secondment be voluntary and because of the risk of an additional salary of BGN 500 being paid for a 12-hour job.

The reaction of the doctors of the Department of Infectious Diseases, who have worked in a risky environment since March, is not late. “To tell the truth, I do not want to comment, we are all infinitely disappointed,” said Dr. Rostislava Krasteva, deputy director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at UMHAT-Burgas.

The hospital management is also surprised. “Colleagues receive a bonus of BGN 1,000, but they work for a whole month under such conditions. It is very strange to me how they valued a duty of BGN 500 exactly. This refusal is unacceptable to us. It is a lack of professional responsibility, after all security measures, “said Dr. Svetlozar Georgiev, deputy director of UMHAT-Burgas.

At the same time, a specialist who has almost daily contact with those infected by COVID-19 is ready to help his colleagues in the upcoming opening of more beds in the hospital. “Even without the volunteer activity, which we are naturally prepared to carry out and carry out, we have been actively involved in the diagnostic process from the beginning,” says Pavel Minev.
