Bulgarians Divided Over COVID-19 Vaccine


43% of Bulgarians would be vaccinated against COVID-19, but 48% are against. The others doubt.

This is demonstrated by data from a telephone survey with 800 interviews with Gallup International, conducted in the period from November 27 to 29.

According to the study 56% of people support the recently introduced measures, and 42% – no, and some doubt.

In the summer, a majority of more than 60% was against the tightening of the measures, despite the growing cases even then. At the beginning of November, however, opinions “in favor” and “against” the toughening of the measures were already divided equally. Without a large majority in favor of hardening, this shows, however, that the large number of new infections, as well as examples from abroad, they also make Bulgarians “get used to the idea” that a new adjustment is a matter of time.

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Source: Gallup International

“65% of those surveyed agree that the crisis with Kovid has really confused their lives. 34% do not think so. 21% of those surveyed say that they have acquaintances or relatives who have mental problems as a result of the crisis with Kovid.

When asked when to expect the end of the crisis, according to 32% of respondents, this will happen after “more than a year.”. The hope of 25% is that the crisis will disappear in spring, 16% choose “until summer”, 3% allow the end to be in the fall and 9%, at the end of 2021. The rest admit that they cannot determine. This is a serious change in sobriety compared to early summer when around 60% believed that there would be a normalization by the end of the year. With the increase in cases in late summer, this proportion dropped to about a third in July.

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Source: Gallup International

However, in the philosophy symbolized by Professor Mutafchiiski, approval is a little better: generally from five to three, with some doubts.

This is probably due to the fact that, for example, the latest measures were announced in their entirety by headquarters and not so much by politicians. Traditionally, the qualifications of professionals are higher than those of politicians in crisis. In this context, the Minister of Health also enjoys the advantage of being a doctor and being accepted as a professional.
