BSP offers four steps to get out of the coronary crisis – Politics


BSP offers four steps out of coronary crisis, wrote BSP leader Cornelia Ninova on FacebookCornelia ninova

Cornelia Ninova is a Bulgarian politician from BSP, member of the Parliamentary Group of the Coalition for, quoted by the party’s press office.

“The COVID crisis has demonstrated the shortcomings of entire systems, especially healthcare. We have been warning about this for years. Now is the time for bold, statesmanlike, visionary and even unpopular decisions, not for compelling thinking and mitigating action. People’s life and health come before It is obvious that the health care system cannot continue to function as it used to, “said Ninova.

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“A vicious model has been created that the government has built over the years, which is a central social problem today. The opinion of doctors and professionals is especially important in dealing with the coronary crisis. They do everything possible and deserve all the support. But it is not their responsibility to function the health system as a rule and a framework. It depends on the politicians. Many of them only criticize and have a reason to do so. But what is the alternative? I don’t listen to anyone give specific solutions. And there are and they can be implemented in four clear steps, “commented the BSP leader.

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“We must abolish the market-trade principle and return the state to the management, regulation and control of medical care. How to do it? Let us divide things into four groups of measures: 1. For people as patients; 2. For doctors and nurses; 3 “For hospitals; 4. For VAT on medicines, “he said.

According to Ninova, access to free and timely medical care must be guaranteed for insured people, and for people without insurance, a basic package of medical services guaranteed by the state. Introduction of a personal medical record, which combines all the information (clinical, medical and financial) of a patient at each stage of his life, he added.

“For doctors and medical personnel: adopt an ordinance on the formation of salaries, which guarantees a decent basic income. Grant state scholarships for training, with a commitment to work from then on. Financing by the state of specializations abroad the specialties we need versus the commitment to work after that, “says Ninova.

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For hospitals, it indicates as a measure: the abolition of their commercial status and the payment of medical activities with public finances at prices established by the NHIF only for hospitals that are not commercial companies. It is necessary to have accessible health services in each part of the country to build a national health system at the regional level. This means that in each region they are united in a single structure of a holding type emergency medical center, regional ambulatory medical care center, hospitals and regional centers for integrated health and social services, adds Ninova.

The BSP leader also noted that VAT on drugs should be reduced to 9 percent. They are a regulated product, and if there is any question about whether traders will cut the price, it will invariably happen to them, he said.

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Ninova thanked all the specialists, doctors, hospital directors, financiers who helped develop this new model of medical care and addressed all the party leaders.

The crisis is so deep that getting the country out of it will not happen with populism and empty promises, he said. Put your blueprint for a new model of healthcare on the table and let the people judge who will work and lead to quality and affordable healthcare for the entire nation, Ninova calls.


Posted by Cornelia Ninova on Sunday, November 8, 2020
