BSP Chief Expert Caught With Fake Diploma – Politics


Is it possible to have a bachelor’s degree without a college degree and get a master’s degree? And then with the document to appoint him to the position of “chief expert” in the municipal administration. Nova TV encountered this absurdity.

Desislava Yordanova also has a master’s degree from Plovdiv Medical University. The document shows that in 2010 he graduated with honors in Public Health and Health Management. The form of education is part-time.

Six gang members were charged with forged documents, dissolved during speculation in Plovdiv

The document is stamped by the then dean and rector of the university and in no way raises doubts about its authenticity.

Admission to this master requires the candidate to present a diploma of at least one undergraduate degree. Also, you must have attached this diploma to the set of documents to apply for a form of higher education.

In 2009, Yordanova applied to the Medical University with an application in which, in addition to a receipt for the fee paid, she attached a copy of a full higher education diploma in economics at Paisii Hilendarski University in Plovdiv. However, the University of Medicine found no such copy of the diploma.

“We found an official note delivered by the other university, which declares on behalf of the university that the person has completed such a degree in a relevant specialty of one of the faculties of this university,” explained the current rector of the University of Medicine, the Professor Dr. r Mariana Murdzheva.

The official note indicates that Desislava Yordanova has completed higher education at the University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski” in the Faculty of Economics – specialty “Marketing and Management”. There are several spelling errors in the documents. Furthermore, it is not clear from the stamp of the document who issued it. Later it became clear that this was because it was not true.

It is clear that Yordanova did not graduate from the Faculty of Economics at Paisii Hilendarski University in Plovdiv, because it does not exist there. There is no such specialty “Marketing and Management”, university management is categorical.

In the response of the Rector of the Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, Professor Dr. Rumen Mladenov, it is said: economic and social sciences “, since we do not have the aforementioned degree in” Marketing and Management “, but only in” Marketing ”.

Desislava Yordanova claims that she graduated in Business Administration from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Plovdiv. It is also clear that the Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv has not issued an official note to Desislava Georgieva Yordanova, because the university does not have the practice of issuing such notes. Only a “Certificate” is issued there on University letterhead.

“Graduates can receive a” Certificate “on University letterhead, which contains the details specified in the” Ordinance on State Requirements for the Content of Basic Documents Issued by Institutions of Higher Education “(Article 15)”, explained in detail by the University management. “I am extremely unpleasantly surprised by the fact that more than 10 years ago a student who claimed to have previously completed a bachelor’s degree entered our master’s programs,” said the rector.

“I was not really a member of the board of directors then, so many years ago, I have been rector for only 10 months, I have been participating in the management of the university since 2011 as vice rector … I can assure you that during these almost 9 years we have What we have What to do is appoint a commission at the university to carry out a detailed verification of the documentation and based on this verification, decide from now on what to do with this student who is a graduate of the respective master’s degree ”, says Professor Dr. Mariana Murdzheva .

At the same time, Desislava Yordanova claims that she has a bachelor’s degree and promises to show it to us.

Desislava Yordanova is president of the BSP Regional Council – Western District in Plovdiv. On the party website on the business card. his It is claimed that he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from Paisii Hilendarski University in Plovdiv, specializing in Business Administration.

For several days he promised to send photos of his diploma from Paisii Hilendarski University in Plovdiv. Meanwhile, the diploma his in the Medical Council it was annulled by decision of the Academic Council of the University.

Currently, Desislava Yordanova works in the municipality of Rodopi in the Department of Education as chief expert in “Health and Social Activities”. For publication his it helped the already invalid diploma from the University of Medicine.

“She was appointed at the beginning of June. They apply for full higher education, specialty” Master “at Medical University, specialty is” Health Management. “I am very surprised by this, I understand that the diploma has been canceled. He had no idea. When he applied, he had a normal higher education diploma, “explained the mayor of Rodopi municipality, Pavel Mihailov.

He added that after conducting an official inquiry into whether Desislava Yordanova’s diploma has been canceled, he will take the appropriate measures.
