“Breakthrough” in the Brexit negotiations between the UK and the EU


The UK and the European Union are closer to an agreement on reciprocal social security rights for its citizens after Brexit. This was announced by two diplomatic sources, one of whom described last week’s talks on the elusive trade deal as “some of the most positive so far“reports” Reuters “.

Diplomats from the European Union announced that Brussels is preparing to negotiate until mid-November., instead of suspending negotiations early next month to avoid the “no-deal” scenario, after the transition period between the UK and the Community ends on 31 December.

Covid-19 and Brexit without a deal could cost the UK $ 174 billion a year

Covid-19 and Brexit without a deal could cost the UK $ 174 billion a year

Without a deal, Brexit losses will rise to 3.9% of GDP

There was no progress in last week’s negotiations on the three most contentious topics: fisheries, guarantees of fair competition and ways to resolve future disputes, but prospects for a common understanding seem more favorable.

“It seems we are getting closer to an agreementalthough public rhetoric about the lack of agreement may suggest otherwise, “said a source, both were briefed by the European Commission, which is negotiating with Britain on behalf of the 27 EU member states.

The sources spoke ahead of further talks, which will take place between Wednesday and Friday in London with Britain, which left the EU in January after nearly half a century of membership.

Heiko Maas: Brexit without a deal would be irresponsible

Heiko Maas: Brexit without a deal would be irresponsible

Barnier met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel this morning

Bilateral trade worth around 1 trillion is at stake. euros. Investors and companies are increasingly concerned about a split without an agreement guaranteeing continued trade without tariffs or quotas.

Speaking separately this week, a senior EU Brexit official said the talks were “at a crucial period” and “not far from over.”

“I still hope and believe that we can reach an understanding,” said the EU official, but stressed that EU industries must be prepared for the most damaging economic gap.

The vice president of the European Commission said separately today that the EU wants an agreement with Britain, but that time is running out and countries risk not reaching one before the end of the year.

A spokesman for British Prime Minister Boris Johnson also said today that The UK must know before October 15 if there will be a deal.how the company needs to prepare.

Johnson doesn't want Brexit without a deal, but they can survive it

Johnson doesn’t want Brexit without a deal, but they can survive it

Johnson said they would survive such a scenario.

The leaders of the 27 EU member states are to assess progress during their meeting in Brussels on October 15-16. If they decide that the deal is nearing completion, they would allow the final stage of top-secret negotiations, leading to a deal or not. These negotiations are known as the “tunnel.”

So far, the EU has said that the agreement should be finalized by the end of October to allow time for ratification by the European Parliament and some national parliaments of the Community.

A new target for mid-November suggests that the turbulent next few weeks would shake financial markets if a near-last-minute deal is struck.

However, Brussels insists it will not implement any new deal without Britain withdrawing proposed new national legislation, which would violate London’s previous divorce deal with the EU.

The EU has taken action against the UK to violate the Brexit deal

The EU has taken action against the UK to violate the Brexit deal

The Commission decided to send a letter this morning.

When asked to comment on the assessment of the EU sources, a UK official said: “An agreement is possible, but not certain… We remain fully committed to trying to reach an agreement before October 15. “

The two EU diplomats, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that The UK has made well-received proposals in nine of the ten areas for the protection of social security rights people moving between EU member states and the UK.

These proposals, which include benefits for accidents at work and grants for death, are basis for “very easy negotiation“for a common text on the coordination of social security issues,” they said.

These protections can be crucial for some 5 million peopleEither a British retiree in the South of France or a German employed in London.

However, there is no agreement on family benefits.. London wants EU citizens to pay a five-year allowance for access to health care for family members, while the Community insists the UK must respond to the open access the EU offers.

The UK official said good progress had been made on social benefits, but outstanding issues were also important, adding that London will not change its position on healthcare fees or access to family benefits.

Theresa May opposed Boris Johnson over Brexit without a deal

Theresa May opposed Boris Johnson over Brexit without a deal

Tensions in the British Parliament
