Boyko Borissov: The pandemic ruined us (Video)


“This pandemic has seemed to us for years. And it has only been since March. It just ruined us. The United States ruined them. In Europe, a total lockdown. It gives no result of the disease, but great damage to budgets,” said Prime Minister Boyko Borissov. , who today again left in the jeep for an inspection in the country.

Today he is in a military car factory near Samokov.

“We work Saturdays and Sundays,” said the prime minister. He specified that the program supports companies and municipalities.

Boyko Borissov: The pandemic ruined us (Video)

The Prime Minister inspected the plant and discussed with its director the production of cars and equipment.

The plant also produces ice lighting fixtures that can be used for municipal public lighting. Borissov advised the owner to hold a meeting with the Association of Bulgarian Municipalities and to hold discussions on the introduction of LED lighting in the country’s settlements to save energy.

A reactor at the Kozloduy nuclear power plant only works for the losses we have in the grid, it must be energy efficient, Borissov said during a visit to the military equipment plant near Samokov.

“I was greeted with such a car in Egypt. And in Saudi Arabia they are like that,” Borissov said when he saw one of the cars.

“It is important that people work, to have a guarantee that they will not be fired. Everyone should try to take advantage of the 60/40 measure, which has already become 80/20. So far for business through the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Social – 1 There are 60/40, somewhere there are 80/20 and the result is very good. We maintain unemployment. It is important that people work, it brings them mental health and money. They do not feel threatened, there is a guarantee that they do not They will. fired, “Boyko Borissov said.
